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習近平向第八屆中俄博覽會致賀信Xi sends congratulatory letter to 8th China-Russia Expo
習近平同俄羅斯總統普京在中南海小範圍會晤Xi holds restrictive meeting with Putin at Zhongnanhai
習近平同俄羅斯總統普京會談Xi, Putin hold talks in Beijing, charting course for enhanced ties
習近平回信勉勵北京市八達嶺長城腳下的鄉親們Xi calls for greater efforts to promote, protect Great Wall
國家主席習近平任免駐外大使Chinese president appoints new ambassadors
習近平向巴拿馬當選總統穆利諾致賀電Xi congratulates Mulino on election as president of Panama
習近平結束對法國、塞爾維亞和匈牙利國事訪問回到北京Xi returns to Beijing after state visits to France, Serbia, Hungary
習近平結束對匈牙利的國事訪問 乘專機離開布達佩斯Xi leaves Budapest after his state visit to Hungary
習近平出席匈牙利總理歐爾班舉行的餞行活動Xi attends farewell event held by Hungarian PM Orban
習近平同匈牙利總理歐爾班舉行會談Xi, Hungarian PM hold talks in Budapest
習近平同匈牙利總統舒尤克舉行會談Xi says ready to jointly promote China-Hungary ties to higher levels
習近平出席匈牙利總統舒尤克和總理歐爾班舉行的歡迎儀式Xi attends welcome ceremony held by Hungarian President Sulyok, Prime Minister Orban in Budapest
習近平抵達布達佩斯開始對匈牙利進行國事訪問Xi arrives in Budapest for state visit to Hungary
習近平同塞爾維亞總統武契奇舉行會談China, Serbia decide to build community with shared future
習近平出席塞爾維亞總統武契奇舉行的歡迎宴會Xi says he enjoys Yugoslav films, songs when young
習近平抵達貝爾格萊德開始對塞爾維亞進行國事訪問Xi arrives in Belgrade for state visit to Serbia
習近平同法國總統馬克龍在上比利牛斯省舉行中法元首小範圍會晤Macron hosts Xi at mountain restaurant in picturesque southern France
習近平在中法企業家委員會第六次會議閉幕式上的致辭(全文)Full text of Xi's speech at the closing ceremony of the Sixth Meeting of the China-France Business Council
習近平同法國總統馬克龍舉行會談Xi, Macron hold talks in Paris
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