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習近平在甘肅蘭州市考察調研Xi inspects Lanzhou in NW China's Gansu Province
習近平在陜西寶雞市和甘肅天水市考察調研Xi makes inspections in NW China's Shaanxi, Gansu provinces
習近平致電祝賀特本當選連任阿爾及利亞總統Xi congratulates Tebboune on reelection as Algerian president
習近平會見西班牙首相桑切斯Xi meets Spanish prime minister
習近平會見挪威首相斯特勒Xi meets Norwegian prime minister
習近平同志《論教育》出版發行Collection of Xi's articles on education published
中央軍委主席習近平簽署命令 發佈《軍隊生態環境保護條例》Xi signs order to promulgate regulations on military environmental protection
習近平出席中非合作論壇北京峰會開幕式併發表主旨講話Xi proposes partnership actions to jointly advance modernization with Africa
習近平和彭麗媛為出席中非合作論壇北京峰會的國際貴賓舉行歡迎宴會Xi hosts African leaders, lauds model China-Africa ties ahead of grand summit
習近平會見喀麥隆總統比亞Chinese, Cameroonian presidents announce elevation of bilateral ties
習近平會見加彭總統恩圭馬Xi meets Gabonese president
習近平會見坦尚尼亞總統哈桑Xi meets Tanzanian president
習近平會見獅子山總統比奧Xi meets Sierra Leonean president
習近平會見利比亞總統委員會主席曼菲Xi, Libyan leader announce establishment of China-Libya strategic partnership
習近平會見衣索比亞總理阿比Xi meets Ethiopian prime minister
習近平會見莫三比克總統紐西Xi meets Mozambican president
習近平同塞內加爾總統法耶會談Xi holds talks with Senegalese president
習近平會見赤道幾內亞總統奧比昂Xi meets president of Equatorial Guinea
習近平會見毛里塔尼亞總統加茲瓦尼Chinese, Mauritanian presidents elevate bilateral ties
習近平同尼日利亞總統提努布會談Chinese, Nigerian presidents announce elevation of bilateral ties
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