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學習卡片 | 法者,治之端也the law is the very foundation of governance
學習卡片 | 法非從天下,非從地出,發於人間,合乎人心而已The law does not fall from the sky or grow from the earth; it manifests from among the people and reflects their will.
學習卡片 | 立善法于天下,則天下治;立善法于一國,則一國治If good laws are established under Heaven, then there will be order under Heaven; if good laws are established in a state, then there will be order in that state.
學習卡片 | 法者,國之權衡也,時之準繩也law is the scale of a state and the ethical benchmark for a society.
學習卡片 | 澆風易漸,淳化難歸It is easy for laxity to set in, and difficult for rigor to return.
學習卡片 | 欲知平直,則必準繩;欲知方圓,則必規矩Nothing can be accomplished without regulations and rules.
學習卡片 | 新松恨不高千尺,惡竹應須斬萬竿Young pines should grow a thousand feet high, while poisoning bamboos should be cut down one by one.
學習卡片 | 取之有制、用之有節則裕,取之無制、用之不節則乏Utilized with restraint, resources will be abundant; otherwise, they will be scarce.
學習卡片 | 桃李不言,下自成蹊Peaches and plums do not speak, but they are so attractive that a path is formed below the trees.
學習卡片 | 國雖大,好戰必亡A warlike state, however big it may be, will eventually perish.
學習卡片 | 孤舉者難起,眾行者易趨The going may be tough when one walks alone, but it gets easier when people walk together.
學習卡片 | 天下之勢不盛則衰,天下之治不進則退The momentum of the world either flourishes or declines; the governance of the world either progresses or regresses.
學習卡片 | 大道之行也,天下為公A just world should be pursued for the common good.
學習卡片| 德不優者,不能懷遠;才不大者,不能博見A person without virtue has no high aspirations; a person without talent has no keen insights.
學習卡片 | 褚小者不可以懷大,綆短者不可以汲深A small bag cannot hold large things; a short rope cannot reach a deep well.
學習卡片 | 學所以益才也,礪所以致刃也Through learning we improve ability, as through the whetstone knives are hone.
學習卡片 | 學⽽不思則罔,思⽽不學則殆Reading without thinking makes one muddled; thinking without reading makes one flighty.
學習卡片 | 不要人誇顏色好,只留清氣滿乾坤Not bent on praise for its bright colors, but on leaving its fragrance to all.
學習卡片 | 行百里者半九十The last one tenth of the journey demands half the effort.
學習卡片 | 不私,而天下自公Selflessness in governance creates social equity.
學習卡片 | 壹引其綱,萬目皆張As long as the fundamental principles are upheld, all work will fall in place.
學習卡片 | 畏則不敢肆而德以成,無畏則從其所欲而及于禍With awe in mind, one will be prudent in word and deed, and therefore cultivate virtue; without awe in mind, one will act rashly, and therefore bring disaster to oneself.
學習卡片 | 不誘于譽,不恐于誹One should not be seduced by praise, nor should one fear opprobrium.
學習卡片 | 己所不欲,勿施於人not doing to others what we would not have done to ourselves
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