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學習詞典 | 經濟社會是一個動態迴圈系統,不能長時間停擺The economy and society, being dynamic in nature, cannot stop functioning for long
學習詞典 | 我們黨依靠鬥爭創造歷史,更要依靠鬥爭贏得未來Our Party has fought to create history, and will continue to fight to win the future
學習詞典 | 只要我們與時俱進加強國防和軍隊建設,向著黨在新時代的強軍目標闊步前行,就一定能夠為實現中華民族偉大復興提供更為堅強的戰略支撐!So long as we step up efforts to develop national defense and the armed forces in keeping pace with the times and march towards the Party's goal of building a strong military, we will ensure greater strategic support for national rejuvenation
學習詞典 | 只要我們始終堅持人民立場、人民至上,就一定能夠激發出無往而不勝的強大力量,就一定能夠不斷書寫中華民族偉大復興的精彩華章!So long as we stand firmly on the side of the people and uphold their principal position, we will spark their mighty and indomitable force and produce new and splendid chapters in the history of China's national rejuvenation
學習詞典 | 我們黨在內憂外患中誕生、在歷經磨難中成長、在攻堅克難中壯大,錘鍊了不畏強敵、不懼風險、敢於鬥爭、敢於勝利的風骨和品質Founded amid domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, our Party has been tempered through numerous tribulations, and grown strong by surmounting difficulties
學習詞典 | 我們決不會坐視國家主權、安全、發展利益受損,決不會允許任何人任何勢力侵犯和分裂祖國的神聖領土China will never tolerate any threat to its sovereignty, security and development interests, or allow any force to violate or divide its sacred territory
學習詞典 | 關鍵核心技術攻關可以搞揭榜挂帥,英雄不論出處,誰有本事誰就揭榜We should encourage competition to make breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields. Anyone who can make such breakthroughs should be given the opportunity regardless of their background
學習詞典 | 世界是各國人民的世界,世界面臨的困難和挑戰需要各國人民同舟共濟、攜手應對,和平發展、合作共贏才是人間正道Our world belongs to the peoples of all countries. Difficulties and challenges confronting the world can only be addressed and overcome when all countries pull together. Peace, development and win-win cooperation are the right way forward
學習詞典 | 只要堅持走和平發展道路,同各國人民一道推動構建人類命運共同體,就一定能夠迎來人類和平與發展的美好未來!As long as we keep to the path of peaceful development and endeavor to build a global community of shared future with the peoples of other countries, there will be a bright future for peace and development
學習詞典 | 中國人民不惹事也不怕事,在任何困難和風險面前,腿肚子不會抖,腰桿子不會彎,中華民族是嚇不倒、壓不垮的!We the Chinese people do not provoke others, nor do we shy away from trouble. We do not give in to fear or yield in the face of difficulties and dangers. The Chinese nation will never cower before threats, or be subdued by oppressors
學習詞典 | 志不強者智不達,言不信者行不果The weak-minded cannot be wise; the dishonest cannot succeed
學習詞典 | 落後就要挨打,發展才能自強Backwardness left us vulnerable to attack; only development can make us strong
學習詞典 | 勇於創新者進,善於創造者勝Those who are innovative and creative can always make breakthroughs and achieve victory
學習詞典 | 在防疫情、保供應、保民生、保安全、保穩定方面多上心、多用心Pay more attention to Covid-19 prevention, and ensure security, stability, people's wellbeing, and supply of goods
學習詞典 | 要像珍惜生命一樣珍惜自己的節操,做一個一塵不染的人To preserve our integrity, we must cherish our moral principles as we do our lives
學習詞典 | 對黨忠誠是共産黨人必須具備的政治品格,是純粹的、無條件的,不能打折扣、耍小聰明搞小動作Loyalty to the Party is the political character essential to China's Communists. It should be sincere, unconditional and absolute, allowing no room for maneuver
學習詞典 | 要把堅持底線思維、堅持問題導向貫穿工作始終,做到見微知著、防患于未然We must make preparations for worst-case scenarios, focus on solving problems in our work, be sharp and quick in foreseeing and identifying potential threats, and take preventive measures
學習詞典 | 旗幟鮮明講政治,既是馬克思主義政黨的鮮明特徵,也是我們黨一以貫之的政治優勢Taking a clear political stance is a distinctive feature of a Marxist party and also a political strength that our Party has valued from the outset
學習詞典 | 不能為了局部利益損害全局利益、為了暫時利益損害根本利益和長遠利益We must never damage overall interests for the sake of local interests, or harm fundamental and long-term interests for the sake of short-term interests.
學習詞典 | 多打大算盤、算大賬,少打小算盤、算小賬Build a strategic vision and think about the overall situation, rather than being short-sighted and focusing only on local interests
學習詞典 | 辦好中國的事情,關鍵在黨、關鍵在全面從嚴治黨China's success hinges on the Party, so we must ensure that the Party practices strict self-governance in every respect
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