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習文樂見 | 共同佑護各國人民生命和健康Work Together to Protect the Lives and Health of All
習文樂見 |維護地球家園,促進人類可持續發展Protect the Earth for Sustainable Development
習文樂見 | 共同維護世界和平安寧Maintain World Peace and Stability
習文樂見 | 深化文明交流互鑒Deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning
習文樂見 | 共創開放繁榮的美好未來Working Together for a Bright Future of Openness and Prosperity
習文樂見 | 推動中拉關係進入新時代Usher in a New Era for China-CELAC Relations
習文樂見 | 攜手構建面向新時代的中阿命運共同體Jointly Building a China-Arab Community with a Shared Future
習文樂見 | ​讓中非友好合作精神代代相傳、發揚光大Promote Friendly Cooperation Between China and Africa
習文樂見 | 攜手建設守望相助、共同發展、普遍安全、世代友好的中國-中亞命運共同體Working Together for a China-Central Asia Community with a Shared Future Featuring Mutual Assistance, Common Development, Universal Security, and Everlasting Friendship
習文樂見 | 做大亞太合作蛋糕,實現共同繁榮Work Together for Asia-Pacific Prosperity
習文樂見 | 推動共建“一帶一路”高品質發展不斷取得新成效Strive for New Progress in High-Quality Belt and Road Development
習文樂見 | 為人類社會攜手應對共同挑戰作出新貢獻Strengthen Cooperation Among World Political Parties to Benefit the People


States are the foundations of the world, and families are the foundation of a country
只要有信心,黃土變成金As long as we have confidence, even loess can be turned into gold
兄弟同心,其利斷金When brothers are of the same mind, they can cut metal through
健康是幸福生活最重要的指標Health is the most important indicator of a happy life
交通成為中國現代化的開路先鋒Transport has become a frontier in China’s modernization drive
讓和平的薪火代代相傳Pass on the torch of peace from generation to generation
保護智慧財産權就是保護創新Protecting IPR is equal to protecting innovation
建設航太強國要靠一代代人接續奮鬥Making China stronger in the aerospace sector requires continuous efforts across generations
奮鬥是青春最亮麗的底色Working hard is the brightest color of youth
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