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習聲習語|團結就是力量,奮鬥開創未來Xi's Voices | Unity for Strength and Hard Work for a Bright Future
習聲習語|開展黨史學習教育要突出重點Xi's Voices | Focus of the Education Campaign on CPC History
習聲習語|共創後疫情時代美好世界Xi's Voices | Create a Better Post-Covid World
習聲習語|在中華人民共和國恢復聯合國合法席位五十週年紀念會議上的講話Xi's Voices | Speech at the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations
習聲習語|堅定信心,共克時艱,共建更加美好的世界Xi's Voices | Increase Confidence and Overcome Difficulties to Build a Better World
習聲習語|讓中非友好合作精神代代相傳、發揚光大Xi's Voices | Promote Friendly Cooperation Between China and Africa
習聲習語|命運與共,共建家園Deliver a Great Future for China-ASEAN Relations
習聲習語|維護地球家園,促進人類可持續發展Xi's Voices | Protect the Earth for Sustainable Development
習聲習語|上海合作組織要在人類共同發展宏大格局中推進自身發展Xi's Voices | Build a Stronger Shanghai Cooperation Organization
習聲習語|共同佑護各國人民生命和健康Xi's Voices | Work Together to Protect the Lives and Health of All
習聲習語|深入實施新時代人才強軍戰略Xi's Voices | Build a Talent-Strong Military in the New Era
習聲習語|貫徹依法治軍戰略,提高國防和軍隊建設法治化水準Xi's Voices | Run the Military in Accordance with the Law
習聲習語|使長江經濟帶成為我國生態優先綠色發展主戰場Xi's Voices | Yangtze River Economic Belt: A Showcase for Green Development
習聲習語|發揚北京冬奧精神,加快建設體育強國步伐Xi's Voices | Carry Forward the Spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics and Build China into a Strong Sporting Nation
習聲習語|展示中國文藝新氣象,鑄就中華文化新輝煌Xi's Voices| Create New Prospects for Chinese Literature and Art
習聲習語|當代青年要在實現民族復興的賽道上奮勇爭先Xi's Voices | Give of Your Best in National Rejuvenation
習聲習語|在更高起點上推進改革開放(下)Xi's Voices | Raise Reform and Opening Up to a Higher Level(Ⅱ)
習聲習語|在更高起點上推進改革開放(上)Xi's Voices | Raise Reform and Opening Up to a Higher Level(Ⅰ)
習聲習語|讓開放的春風溫暖世界Xi's Voices | Let China's Openness Benefit the World
習聲習語|共同促進全球服務貿易發展繁榮Xi's Voices | Work Together to Boost Global Trade in Services
習聲習語|努力實現高水準科技自立自強Xi's Voices | Strive for Greater Strength and Self-Reliance in Science and Technology
習聲習語|使偉大抗疫精神轉化為實現中華民族偉大復興的強大力量Xi's Voices | Turn the Fighting Spirit Against Covid-19 into a Powerful Force for National Rejuvenation
習聲習語|弘揚偉大抗美援朝精神,進行具有許多新的歷史特點的偉大鬥爭Xi's Voices | Carry Forward the Spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the Great Historic Struggle
習聲習語 | 民之所憂我必念之,民之所盼我必行之Xi's Voices| The People's Concerns Are My Concerns, and the People's Expectations Are My Goals
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