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習近平會見義大利總理梅洛尼Xi meets Italian prime minister, calls for upholding Silk Road spirit
習近平給廈門航空有限公司全體員工回信Xi instructs Xiamen Airlines to play active role in cross-Strait exchanges
習近平向第六屆中俄能源商務論壇致賀信Xi sends congratulatory message to sixth China-Russia Energy Business Forum
習近平致電祝賀卡加梅當選連任盧安達總統Xi congratulates Kagame on reelection as Rwandan president
Xi mourns passing of Nguyen Phu Trong
習近平對陜西商洛市柞水縣境內一高速公路橋梁發生垮塌作出重要指示Xi urges all-out rescue, relief efforts after bridge collapses in northwest China
受權發佈丨中國共産黨第二十屆中央委員會第三次全體會議公報Xinhua Headlines: CPC Central Committee adopts resolution on further deepening reform comprehensively
《求是》雜誌發表習近平總書記重要文章《必須堅持自信自立》Xi's article on maintaining self-confidence, self-reliance to be published
國際縱橫談丨習近平主席重要著作何以持續風行世界Why Xi's works a key to decoding modern China and its global vision
習近平會見索羅門群島總理馬內萊Xi meets prime minister of Solomon Islands
習近平會見萬那杜總理薩爾維China ready to build community with shared future in new era with Vanuatu: Xi
習近平同幾內亞比索總統恩巴洛會談Chinese, Guinea-Bissau presidents hold talks, elevate ties
習近平會見孟加拉國總理哈西娜Xi meets Bangladeshi PM, bilateral ties elevated
習近平會見匈牙利總理歐爾班Xi meets Hungarian prime minister, exchanging views on ties, Ukraine crisis
習近平向上海合作組織國家綠色發展論壇致賀信Xi sends congratulatory letter to green development forum of SCO countries
習近平向伊朗當選總統佩澤希齊揚致賀電Xi congratulates Masoud Pezeshkian on election as Iranian president
習近平抵達杜尚別開始對塔吉克進行國事訪問Xi kicks off state visit to Tajikistan, eyeing new heights in bilateral cooperation
習近平出席“上海合作組織+”阿斯塔納峰會併發表重要講話Xi calls for building common home of solidarity, prosperity and fairness
習近平出席上海合作組織成員國元首理事會第二十四次會議Xi warns SCO members of real threat from Cold War mentality
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