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習近平抵達喀山出席金磚國家領導人第十六次會晤Xi arrives in Russia's Kazan for BRICS Summit
視頻畫報|習近平主席與“金磚大家庭”Moments in Motion | President Xi and BRICS family
習近平對國家級經濟技術開發區工作作出重要指示Xi stresses promoting high-standard opening-up for reform, development
習近平致電祝賀普拉博沃就任印尼總統Xi congratulates Prabowo Subianto on assuming presidency of Indonesia
習近平回信勉勵中國國際大學生創新大賽參賽學生代表Xi encourages students to actively engage in sci-tech innovation
習近平向美中關係全國委員會2024年度頒獎晚宴致賀信Xi sends congratulations to Gala Dinner of National Committee on U.S.-China Relations

習近平同蒙古國總統呼日勒蘇赫就中蒙建交75週年互致賀電Xi calls for steady, sustained progress in promoting China-Mongolia comprehensive strategic partnership
習近平對全軍軍事理論工作會議作出重要指示Xi urges developing system of modern military theory
習近平同印度尼西亞總統佐科通電話Xi says China willing to jointly promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with Indonesia
習近平向衣索比亞新任總統塔耶致賀電Xi congratulates Taye Atske Selassie on taking office as Ethiopian president
習近平致電祝賀賽義德當選連任突尼西亞總統Xi congratulates Saied on re-election as Tunisian president
習近平致信中國紅十字會第十二次全國會員代表大會Xi encourages Red Cross Society of China to enhance humanitarian services
《習近平關於治水論述摘編》出版發行Book of Xi's discourses on water management published
習近平《在全國民族團結進步表彰大會上的講話》單行本出版Xi's speech at event commending role models for ethnic unity, progress published
習近平同朝鮮最高領導人金正恩就中朝建交75週年互致賀電Xi, Kim exchange congratulatory messages over 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties

中共中央政治局召開會議 分析研究當前經濟形勢和經濟工作


Xi chairs CPC leadership meeting to analyze economic situation, arrange for economic work
習近平回信勉勵普洱民族團結誓詞碑盟誓代表後代Xi urges continuously promoting ethnic unity across generations
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