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Heads of state of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan congratulate signing of intergovernmental agreement on railway project
習近平復信美國肯恩大學校長雷波列特Xi says education exchanges matter to future of China-U.S. ties
習近平向冰島當選總統托馬斯多蒂爾致賀電Xi congratulates Tomasdottir on election as president of Iceland
習近平向墨西哥當選總統辛鮑姆致賀電Xi congratulates Sheinbaum on election as president of Mexico
習近平致信祝賀中國工程院建院30週年Xi sends congratulatory letter on 30th anniversary of Chinese Academy of Engineering
習近平同巴林國王哈馬德會談China, Bahrain establish comprehensive strategic partnership
習近平同突尼西亞總統賽義德會談China, Tunisia establish strategic partnership
習近平同阿聯酋總統穆罕默德會談Xi holds talks with UAE president
習近平出席中阿合作論壇第十屆部長級會議開幕式併發表主旨講話Xi urges greater efforts to build China-Arab community with shared future
習近平同埃及總統塞西會談Xi holds talks with Egyptian president
習近平會見全國公安工作會議代表Xi urges modernizing public security work
習近平同赤道幾內亞總統奧比昂會談Chinese, Equatorial Guinean presidents hold talks, elevate ties
中共中央政治局召開會議 習近平主持會議CPC leadership reviews measures to speed up central China development, provisions to defuse financial risks
習近平復信阿聯酋中文教學“百校項目”學生代表Xi replies to letters from student representatives of Chinese language education project in UAE
習近平向中國-海合會國家産業與投資合作論壇致賀信Xi sends congratulatory letter to China-GCC Countries Forum on Industrial, Investment Cooperation
習近平向第14屆中美旅遊高層對話開幕致信Xi sends message to 14th China-U.S. Tourism Leadership Summit
習近平向越南新任國家主席蘇林致賀電Xi extends congratulations to Vietnam's new president
習近平向查德當選總統穆罕默德致賀電Xi extends congratulations to Chad's president-elect
習近平致電祝賀西莉婭諾夫斯卡-達夫科娃就任北馬其頓總統Xi extends congratulations to new president of North Macedonia
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