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習近平會見法國總統馬克龍Xi says China, France shoulder common responsibilities amid new changes in int'l situation
習近平會見玻利維亞總統阿爾塞Xi calls for alignment of Belt and Road Initiative with Bolivia's 2025 development plan
習近平出席二十國集團領導人峰會併發表重要講話Xi calls for building just world of common development, outlines China's actions for global development
視頻畫報丨習近平主席與秘魯的情誼Moments in Motion | President Xi's memorable moments - Peru
習近平致信祝賀中山大學建校100週年Xi sends congratulatory message on centennial of Sun Yat-sen University
習近平復信巴西友好人士Xi replies to friendly personages in Brazil
習近平同印度尼西亞總統普拉博沃會談Chinese, Indonesian presidents pledge joint efforts to build community with shared futur
習近平會見馬來西亞總理安瓦爾Xi meets Malaysian PM, calling for joint building of community with shared future
習近平向首屆世界古典學大會致賀信Xi sends congratulatory letter to inaugural World Conference of Classics
習近平向波札那當選總統博科致賀電Xi congratulates Boko on his election as president of Botswana

習近平在湖北考察調研Xi inspects central China's Hubei Province

習近平向斐濟當選總統拉拉巴拉武致賀電Xi congratulates Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu on election as Fijian president
習近平就西班牙嚴重暴雨洪澇災害向西班牙國王費利佩六世致慰問電Chinese President Xi extends sympathy to Spanish king over heavy floods
習近平會見澳門特別行政區候任行政長官岑浩輝Xi meets Macao's incoming chief executive Sam Hou Fai

習近平會見斯洛伐克總理菲佐Xi, Slovak PM meet in Beijing, agreeing to elevate ties
習近平同阿聯酋總統穆罕默德就中阿建交40週年互致賀電Xi, UAE president exchange congratulations over 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties
《求是》雜誌發表習近平總書記重要文章《促進高品質充分就業》Xi's article on promoting high-quality, sufficient employment to be published

中央軍委主席習近平簽署命令 發佈《預備役人員管理暫行條例》Xi signs order to promulgate regulations enhancing reservist management
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