We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
習近平向美中關係全國委員會2024年度頒獎晚宴致賀信Xi sends congratulations to Gala Dinner of National Committee on U.S.-China Relations
習近平同蒙古國總統呼日勒蘇赫就中蒙建交75週年互致賀電Xi calls for steady, sustained progress in promoting China-Mongolia comprehensive strategic partnership
習近平同印度尼西亞總統佐科通電話Xi says China willing to jointly promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with Indonesia
習近平回信勉勵“銀齡行動”老年志願者代表 既要老有所養老有所樂又要老有所為 為推進中國式現代化貢獻“銀發力量”Xi extends greetings to elderly on eve of China's Seniors' Day
習近平《在全國民族團結進步表彰大會上的講話》單行本出版Xi's speech at event commending role models for ethnic unity, progress published
習近平同朝鮮最高領導人金正恩就中朝建交75週年互致賀電Xi, Kim exchange congratulatory messages over 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties
中共中央政治局召開會議 分析研究當前經濟形勢和經濟工作
Xi chairs CPC leadership meeting to analyze economic situation, arrange for economic work習近平在接見探月工程嫦娥六號任務參研參試人員代表時發表重要講話強調 再接再厲乘勢而上 加快建設航太強國Xi calls for accelerating progress in China's space endeavors
習近平在甘肅考察時強調 深化改革勇於創新苦幹實幹富民興隴 奮力譜寫中國式現代化甘肅篇章Xi calls for deepening reform in Gansu to advance Chinese modernization
習近平在慶祝全國人民代表大會成立70週年大會上發表重要講話強調 堅定道路自信理論自信制度自信文化自信 繼續把人民代表大會制度堅持好完善好運作好Xi urges running people's congresses to good effect as political system's 70th anniversary celebrated
習近平主持召開全面推動黃河流域生態保護和高品質發展座談會強調 以進一步全面深化改革為動力 開創黃河流域生態保護和高品質發展新局面Xi urges breaking new ground in Yellow River basin ecological conservation, high-quality development
習近平在全國教育大會上強調 緊緊圍繞立德樹人根本任務 朝著建成教育強國戰略目標紮實邁進Xi stresses building China into leading country in education