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習近平同辛巴威總統姆南加古瓦會談Xi holds talks with Zimbabwean president
習近平會見馬拉維總統查克維拉Chinese, Malawian presidents elevate bilateral ties as they meet in Beijing
習近平會見查德總統穆罕默德Chinese, Chadian presidents elevate bilateral ties
習近平會見非盟委員會主席法基Xi meets African Union Commission chairperson
習近平會見肯亞總統魯托Xi meets Kenyan president

習近平同南非總統拉馬福薩會談Xi, Ramaphosa announce elevation of China-South Africa ties
習近平會見幾內亞總統敦布亞Xi meets Guinean president

習近平會見塞席爾總統拉姆卡拉旺Xi meets president of Seychelles

習近平復信非洲學者Xi stresses China, Africa always a community with a shared future
我眼中的習近平 | 富有遠見的領導人Xi in my eyes | A visionary leader
中共中央舉行紀念鄧小平同志誕辰120週年座談會 習近平發表重要講話Xi urges advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics on 120th birth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping
習近平會見斐濟總理蘭布卡Xi meets Fijian PM in Beijing, pledging to strengthen development cooperation
習近平同越共中央總書記、國家主席蘇林會談Xi, Lam hold talks, guiding development of China-Vietnam community with shared future
習近平同巴西總統盧拉就中巴建交50週年互致賀電Xi says China ready to work with Brazil to promote building of China-Brazil community with shared future
習近平回信勉勵湖北十堰丹江口庫區的環保志願者Xi calls on environmental volunteers to promote water conservation
習近平對加強文化和自然遺産保護傳承利用工作作出重要指示Xi stresses preserving China's cultural, natural heritage
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