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習近平抵達巴黎開始對法國進行國事訪問Xi aims to open brighter future of China-France ties via visit
習近平主席將出訪歐洲三國 外交部發言人介紹具體安排和訪問期待 Xi to pay state visits to France, Serbia, Hungary from May 5 to 10
《習近平談“一帶一路”(2023年版)》英文版出版發行English version of book about Xi's elaborations on BRI published
習近平會見美國國務卿布林肯Xi meets U.S. secretary of state
習近平同坦尚尼亞總統哈桑就中坦建交60週年互致賀電Xi exchanges congratulations with Tanzanian president over 60th anniversary of ties
習近平向首屆“中國—拉美和加勒比國家航太合作論壇”致賀信Xi sends congratulatory letter to forum on space cooperation with LatAm, Caribbean countries
習近平:中國式現代化,民生為大People's wellbeing is of utmost importance in Chinese modernization: Xi
習近平在重慶考察調研Xi inspects southwest China's Chongqing Municipality
習近平同加彭過渡總統恩圭馬就中加建交50週年互致賀電Chinese, Gabonese leaders exchange congratulations on 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties
習近平會見德國總理朔爾茨Xi meets German chancellor, calls for achieving mutual success
《求是》雜誌發表習近平總書記重要文章《加強文化遺産保護傳承 弘揚中華優秀傳統文化》Xi's article on cultural heritage, fine traditional Chinese culture to be published
習近平向斯洛伐克當選總統佩列格裏尼致賀電Xi congratulates Pellegrini on election as president of Slovakia
習近平同蘇利南總統單多吉會談Xi holds talks with Surinamese president
習近平會見馬英九一行Xi Jinping meets Ma Ying-jeou in Beijing
習近平同密克羅尼西亞聯邦總統西米納會談Xi says China to cooperate with Micronesia on infrastructure, climate change
習近平會見俄羅斯外長拉伕羅夫Xi meets Russian foreign minister
習近平和巴西總統盧拉向中巴兩黨第七屆理論研討會致賀信Xi, Lula send congratulatory letters to seminar involving CPC, Workers' Party of Brazil
習近平會見越南國會主席王庭惠Xi meets National Assembly of Vietnam chairman, urges strong sense of community with shared future
習近平會見法國梅裏埃基金會主席梅裏埃夫婦Xi meets Merieux Foundation president and his wife
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