十四屆全國人大三次會議舉行第二次全體會議China's national legislature holds 2nd plenary meeting of annual session
以海報、動圖等形式講述大國領袖治國理政的偉大理念和思想以及對人民的殷切關懷。 Displaying Xi’s great ideas and thoughts on governance as the leader of a major country, as well as his sincere care for the wellbeing of the people, through posters, motion graphics, etc.
學習卡片 | 凡將立國,制度不可不察也A state system must be established when founding a country.
學習卡片 | 法與時轉則治The law must be adaptive to the changing times, so that social order and stability are maintained.
學習卡片 | 不知恥者,無所不為A person without shame knows no limits.
學習卡片 | 君子之德風,小人之德草,草上之風必偃The ruler's virtue is like wind, and commoners' virtue like grass, which always bends in the direction of the wind.
打造“習式”詞典,以向國際社會闡釋當代中國發展理念。 Presenting contemporary China’s development ideas to the world
學習詞典 | 規範和引導資本健康發展Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: to ensure the healthy growth of capital through regulation and guidance
學習詞典 | 做強做優做大我國數字經濟Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: to improve, expand, and strengthen our digital economy
學習詞典 | 新一輪科技革命和産業變革Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: new revolution in science, technology and industry
學習詞典 | 科教興國戰略、人才強國戰略、創新驅動發展戰略Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: strategies for invigorating China through science and education, making China a talent-strong country, and driving development through innovation
講述習近平承諾於人民、承諾於世界的故事。 Narrating the stories of Xi’s commitments to the people and the world
習文樂見 | 甘肅:不斷開創富民興隴新局面Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Gansu-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
習文樂見 | 青海:護好“中華水塔” 共繪美麗中國Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Qinghai-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
習文樂見 | 寧夏:“塞上江南”書寫發展新篇章Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Ningxia-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
習文樂見 | 廣東:牢記囑託 勇當改革開放先鋒Leadership Insights | Xi's Stories: Guangdong-New Practices of Local Governments in the New Era
原音重現解析習近平總書記系列重要思想內涵、理論精髓。 Interpreting the essential connotations of Xi’s important thoughts and theories with his own words
習聲習語|以“文明互鑒”融通中外LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Integrate China and the world through mutual learning between civilizations
習聲習語|賡續歷史文脈中鑄就中華文化新輝煌LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Add new luster to Chinese culture by carrying forward traditions
習聲習語|中華文化蘊含著獨特的中國精神LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Chinese culture contains the unique Chinese spirit.
習聲習語|中華文明是中華民族獨特的精神標識LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Chinese civilization is the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation.


Chinese Spirit


Narrating the underlying spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation based on the guiding principles in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches.

Illustrated Lectures


Interpreting General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thought on governance as well as a series of new thoughts and new strategies he put forward through hand-drawn short videos.

中國有數China in Numbers
中國智慧Chinese Wisdom
碰詞兒Unique Chinese Words
學習慕課Xi MOOC
新青年新思想New Youth New Opinion
用文化為中國代言Speak for China with culture