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2023年新華社年度照片·領航Xinhua pictures of the year 2023: Leading China
中美兩國領導人互致賀信慶祝兩國建交45週年Xi, Biden exchange congratulations on 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties
中朝兩黨兩國最高領導人互致新年賀電宣佈啟動“中朝友好年”Xi, Kim jointly designate 2024 as China-DPRK Friendship Year
國家主席習近平發表二〇二四年新年賀詞Full text of President Xi Jinping's 2024 New Year message
中央外事工作會議在北京舉行 習近平發表重要講話Central conference on work relating to foreign affairs held in Beijing
中共中央舉行紀念毛澤東同志誕辰130週年座談會 習近平發表重要講話CPC Central Committee holds symposium commemorating 130th anniversary of Mao's birth
《習近平談“一帶一路”(2023年版)》出版發行2023 edition of "Xi Jinping on the Belt and Road Initiative" published
中央農村工作會議在京召開 習近平對“三農”工作作出重要指示Xi Focus: Xi stresses consolidating agricultural foundation, advancing rural revitalization
習近平致電祝賀塞西當選連任埃及總統Xi congratulates Sisi on reelection as Egyptian president
習近平對甘肅臨夏州積石山縣6.2級地震作出重要指示Xi urges all-out search, rescue, relief efforts after 6.2-magnitude earthquake
習近平聽取李家超述職報告Xi hears report from HKSAR chief executive
習近平聽取賀一誠述職報告Xi hears report from Macao SAR chief executive

Xi extends condolences over passing of Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Nawaf

to new Emir Sheikh Mishal

習近平在廣西南寧市考察調研Xi inspects Nanning in south China's Guangxi

Xi exchanges congratulations with Kenyan president

over 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties


Xi says China-Vietnam friendship's foundation lies among two peoples,

future to be created by young people

中央經濟工作會議在北京舉行 習近平發表重要講話 China holds Central Economic Work Conference to plan for 2024
習近平同越共中央總書記阮富仲舉行會談 China, Vietnam agree to build community with shared future that carries strategic significance
習近平在越南媒體發表署名文章Full text of Xi's article on Vietnamese newspaper
習近平將對越南進行國事訪問Xi to pay state visit to Vietnam
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