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習近平就亞塞拜然飛機失事向相關國家領導人致慰問電Xi extends condolences over Azerbaijan Airlines plane crash

習近平會見岑浩輝Xi expresses confidence in Macao's new chief executive

習近平會見澳門特別行政區新任行政、立法、司法機構負責人Xi meets new officials of Macao SAR's executive, legislative, judicial organs

習近平出席澳門特別行政區政府歡迎晚宴併發表重要講話Xi commends Macao's achievements in past 5 "extraordinary" years
慶祝澳門回歸祖國25週年文藝晚會舉行 習近平出席觀看Xi attends gala marking Macao's return anniversary
習近平會見賀一誠Xi acknowledges work of outgoing Macao SAR chief executive
中共中央舉行紀念喬石同志誕辰100週年座談會 習近平發表重要講話Xi urges new achievements in modernization on centenary of late top legislator's birth
習近平聽取李家超述職報告Central authorities fully support HK in fostering new economic momentum: Xi
《求是》雜誌發表習近平總書記重要文章《深入推進黨的自我革命》Xi's article on advancing Party's self-reform to be published
中央經濟工作會議在北京舉行 習近平發表重要講話China holds Central Economic Work Conference to make plans for 2025
習近平會見俄羅斯統一俄羅斯黨主席梅德韋傑夫Xi meets United Russia party chairman Medvedev

習近平向美中貿易全國委員會2024年度慶典晚宴致賀信Xi says China, U.S. should choose dialogue over confrontation

習近平接受外國新任駐華大使遞交國書Xi receives credentials of new ambassadors to China
習近平向“2024從都國際論壇”致賀信Xi extends congratulations to 2024 Imperial Springs Int'l Forum
習近平向模里西斯新任總統戈庫爾致賀電Xi sends congratulations to new Mauritian president
習近平向迦納當選總統馬哈馬致賀電Xi extends congratulations to Ghana's president-elect

習近平會見主要國際經濟組織負責人Xi says China will continue to be biggest engine of world economic growth

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