We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
習近平會見澳門特別行政區新任行政、立法、司法機構負責人Xi meets new officials of Macao SAR's executive, legislative, judicial organs
習近平在聽取海南省委和省政府工作彙報時強調:緊緊圍繞建設“三區一中心”的戰略定位 奮力譜寫中國式現代化海南篇章Xi urges Hainan to write its own chapter of Chinese modernization
中共中央舉行紀念喬石同志誕辰100週年座談會 習近平發表重要講話Xi urges new achievements in modernization on centenary of late top legislator's birth
徵求對經濟工作的意見和建議 中共中央召開黨外人士座談會
CPC Central Committee holds symposium to solicit advice on economic work習近平在中共中央政治局第十八次集體學習時強調 深入做好邊疆治理各項工作 推動邊疆地區高品質發展Xi stresses sound governance, high-quality development in border areas