We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
習近平就西班牙嚴重暴雨洪澇災害向西班牙國王費利佩六世致慰問電Chinese President Xi extends sympathy to Spanish king over heavy floods
習近平同阿聯酋總統穆罕默德就中阿建交40週年互致賀電Xi, UAE president exchange congratulations over 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties
《求是》雜誌發表習近平總書記重要文章《促進高品質充分就業》Xi's article on promoting high-quality, sufficient employment to be published
中央軍委主席習近平簽署命令 發佈《預備役人員管理暫行條例》Xi signs order to promulgate regulations enhancing reservist management
習近平在省部級主要領導幹部學習貫徹黨的二十屆三中全會精神專題研討班開班式上發表重要講話Xi stresses advancing reform at study session for senior officials
習近平同尚比亞總統希奇萊馬就中讚建交60週年互致賀電Xi, Zambian president Hichilema exchange congratulations on 60th anniversary of ties
習近平致電祝賀柬埔寨國王西哈莫尼登基20週年Xi extends congratulations on 20th anniversary of Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni's enthronement
習近平在中共中央政治局第十七次集體學習時強調 錨定建成文化強國戰略目標 不斷發展新時代中國特色社會主義文化Xi stresses building China into cultural powerhouse by 2035
中共中央政治局召開會議 審議《關於二十屆中央第三輪巡視情況的綜合報告》 中共中央總書記習近平主持會議Xi chairs CPC leadership meeting to review disciplinary inspection report
習近平出席“金磚+”領導人對話會併發表重要講話Xi urges "BRICS Plus" to pursue common security and development, harmony among civilizations
習近平會見伊朗總統佩澤希齊揚Xi says China to develop friendly cooperation with Iran despite int'l situation changes
習近平同俄羅斯總統普京舉行會晤Xi says China, Russia find right way for neighboring major countries to get along with each other