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習近平同志《論堅持和完善人民代表大會制度》出版發行Book of Xi's discourses on upholding, improving people's congress system published

習近平向奈米比亞當選總統恩代特瓦致賀電Xi extends congratulations to Namibian president-elect

習近平會見尼泊爾總理奧利Xi calls for advancing strategic partnership of cooperation with Nepal

習近平同柬埔寨人民黨主席、參議院主席洪森會談Xi holds talks with Cambodia's senate president Hun Sen

《習近平文化思想學習綱要》出版發行Study outline on Xi Jinping Thought on Culture published

習近平向2024年“讀懂中國”國際會議(廣州)致賀信Xi sends congratulatory letter to Understanding China Conference

習近平向2024世界傳統醫藥大會致賀信Xi says China committed to making traditional medicine better benefit world
《求是》雜誌發表習近平總書記重要文章《必須堅持守正創新》Xi's article on upholding fundamental principles, breaking new ground to be published
習近平對新時代馬克思主義理論研究和建設工程作出重要指示Xi stresses adapting Marxism to Chinese context, needs of the times
習近平在中華全國供銷合作總社成立70週年之際作出重要指示Xi stresses high-quality development of supply and marketing cooperatives
習近平向烏拉圭當選總統奧爾西致賀電Xi extends congratulations to Uruguayan president-elect Orsi

習近平向“聲援巴勒斯坦人民國際日”紀念大會致賀電Xi says China always supports just cause of Palestinian people
習近平會見新加坡國務資政李顯龍Xi meets Lee Hsien Loong, calling for enhanced cooperation
習近平會見薩摩亞總理菲婭梅Xi meets Samoan PM, says China prioritizes empowering Pacific Island countries to tackle climate change
習近平關於中國式現代化論述摘編阿拉伯文版出版發行Arabic version of Xi's discourses on Chinese modernization published
習近平會見摩洛哥王儲哈桑China to continue working with Morocco to support each other's core interests: Xi
習近平同巴西總統盧拉舉行會談China, Brazil decide to elevate ties in Xi, Lula meeting
習近平向2024年世界網際網路大會烏鎮峰會開幕視頻致賀Xi sends congratulations to 2024 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit
習近平抵達巴西利亞開始對巴西進行國事訪問Xi arrives in Brasilia for state visit to Brazil
習近平會見阿根廷總統米萊Xi says China ready to continue financial cooperation with Argentina
習近平會見德國總理朔爾茨Xi says China insists on resolving differences with EU via dialogue
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