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Deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning

發佈時間:2023-11-02 08:58:50 | 來源:中國網-中國習觀 | 作者: | 責任編輯:曹川川

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to dialogue between Chinese and foreign civilizations and mutual learning among civilizations. In this new historical context, promoting mutual understanding and friendship through cultural exchange and mutual learning is an important path to strengthen cooperation and communication with countries around the world and promote dialogue and exchange among different civilizations.


People are the best bridge for exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Closer people-to-people exchanges and mutual learning, for that matter, is a sure way to eliminate estrangement and misunderstanding and promote mutual understanding among nations. Over the years, China has, in collaboration with other countries, established many platforms and channels for cooperation in education, culture, sports, health and other fields. China will work with other countries to step up exchanges among the youth, non-governmental organizations, subnational entities and media organizations, create a network of exchanges and cooperation between think tanks, explore new models of cooperation, and deliver more solid outcomes in diverse forms. Such efforts will boost exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

——Keynote Speech At the Opening Ceremony of The Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations Beijing, May 15, 2019

