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“三股勢力”“Three evil forces”
“三會一課”the Three Meetings and One Lecture system
“四個自信”“Four Matters of Confidence”
三個區分開來Three Distinctions
兩個鞏固Two Consolidates
4類重點對象Four types of key targets in poverty alleviation
“楓橋經驗”The Fengqiao Model
“三嚴三實”The Three Guidelines for Ethical Behavior and the Three Basic Rules of Conduct
“三步走”發展戰略Three-step development strategy
四種危險Four Dangers
窯洞之問Question about Breaking the Cycle of Rise and Fall at a Cave Dwelling
“兩不愁三保障”Two Assurances and Three Guarantees
“兩學一做”學習教育”Two Studies and One Action” Education Campaign
“四個服從”The Four Principles of Deference
“四個意識”The “Four Consciousnesses”
“三去一降一補”“Three Cuts, One Lower, and One Strengthen”
社會主義核心價值觀Core Values of Socialism
鄉村振興戰略Strategy for Rural Revitalization
中央八項規定Eight-Point Decision on Improving Party and Government Conduct
“四風”The “Four Malfeasances”
古田會議The Gutian Meeting
"兩個維護"The Two Upholds
三大攻堅戰Risk management, poverty reduction and pollution control
“五位一體”總體佈局The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan
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