2024年12月30日 星期一

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小米就私自上傳用戶資訊道歉 將關閉自動啟動

  • 發佈時間:2014-08-11 08:19:10  來源:大河網  作者:佚名  責任編輯:書海

  據cnbeta網站消息,小米官方回應了前些時間鬧得沸沸颺颺的“小米未經許可上傳用戶數據”指控。 在雨果巴拉的谷歌+頁面上,他回應道: 小米是一個專注于提供高質易用移動網路服務的公司。我們相信保護用戶數據與隱私是最優先的。 我們不在用戶許可前上傳或儲存私人資訊或數據。我們決定把小米雲端短信設置為一項需要選擇啟用的服務,並且不再會自動啟用。 同時,雨果向MIUI用戶與粉絲對此感到的擔憂表示了歉意,並感謝了提供了反饋建議的用戶和媒體。


小米就私自上傳用戶資訊道歉 將關閉自動啟動







  4,今天(8月10日)的OTA增加了額外一層安全措施以加密傳送到雲端短信伺服器的電話號碼。在更新完成後,新用戶或進行了工廠重置了設備的用戶可以從主界面進入“Settings >Mi Cloud >Cloud Messaging”或從短信應用的“Settings >Cloud Messaging”處手動啟用小米雲端短信,同時用戶也可在那裏關閉小米雲端短信。


  - The primary identifiers used to route messages are the sender and receiver s phone numbers. IMEI and IMSI information is also used to keep track of a device's online status.

  - When a user sends a text message, if there is an Internet connection available, the Cloud Messaging system will attempt to route the message via IP. If the receiver is offline (i.e. not immediately reachable via IP), the system falls back to sending a normal SMS message from the sender s device.

  - When a MIUI user opens a text message or a phonebook contact, or creates a new contact, the device connects to the Cloud Messaging servers, forwards the phone number of that contact and requests the online status of the corresponding user, which is indicated by a blue icon when that user is online or gray icon if that user is offline (or is not a Cloud Messaging user). This allows the sender to immediately know whether they can text that user without incurring SMS costs.

  - In any of these flows, the receiver s phone number is only used to look up online status and to route messages. No phonebook contact details or social graph information (i.e. the mapping between contacts) is stored on Cloud Messaging servers, and message content (in encrypted form) is not kept for longer than necessary to ensure immediate delivery to the receiver.

  - The OTA system update made available today (Aug 10th) adds an extra layer of security by encrypting phone numbers whenever they are sent to Cloud Messaging servers.

  - We will continue to make changes and improvements to this architecture as needed over time.

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