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  • 發佈時間:2014-12-08 01:00:09  來源:經濟參考報  作者:佚名  責任編輯:胡愛善

  Australia’s big banks could face additional capitalrequirements to buffer against potential financial crises and new challenges totheir dominance in mortgage lending from regional lenders, following the firstcomprehensive review of the country’s financial industry in 17 years.


  A government-backed inquiry has recommended that capitalratios of Australian banks should be in the top quartile of global banks. Itconcluded that Australian banks currently have capital ratios ranging fromabout 10% to 11.6%, compared with a top quartile ratio of 12.2% at the end ofDecember last year.


  In a 320-page report released Sunday by Treasurer JoeHockey, the inquiry’s panel also called for the banks to assign higher“risk-weightings” to mortgages that would force them to set aside more capitalagainst home loans. The move would even the playing field for smaller regionallenders that currently have to set aside more capital than their larger rivals.


  The Financial System Inquiry identified severalvulnerabilities in the banking sector, including its reliance foreign funding,having four big banks with similar business models based on mortgage lending,and capital levels.


  “Although Australian authorised deposit-takinginstitutions are generally well capitalised, further strengthening would assistin ensuring capital levels are, and are seen to be, unquestionably strong,”said the review, which was published on Sunday by Joe Hockey, Australia’streasurer.


  The inquiry led by former Commonwealth BankheadDavid Murray saidpolicies must be tuned to reduce the cost of failure by ensuring lenders havesufficient loss-absorbing capacity.


  Buonaccorsi, aSydney-based analyst at CIMB Group Holdings Bhd., expects a shortfallbetween A$25 billion and A$30 billion. Omkar Joshi, who helps oversee A$1billion as an investment analyst at Watermark Funds Management, estimated aA$15 billion to A$20 billion gap. Their predictions were based on an averagemortgage risk weight of 25 percent to 30 percent and systemically importantbank buffer of 2 percent.

  馬來西亞國際商業銀行駐雪梨分析師Buonaccorsi預計,澳大利亞銀行資本缺口在250億澳元至300億澳元之間。浮水印基金管理公司投資分析師Omkar Joshi則預計缺口在150億澳元至200億澳元之間。兩者的預測均基於25%至30%的平均抵押貸款風險比例和2%的系統重要性銀行資本緩衝比例。(彭博社)

  Bank executives have beenbracing for the Financial System Inquiry report for months, arguing that higherlevels of capital are unnecessary and would come at a cost to theeconomy.


  The biglenders—CommonwealthBank of Australia Ltd.,WestpacBanking Corp.,Australia &New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. andNationalAustralia Bank Ltd. —have warned that additional regulatory burdenscould stifle investment and put them at a disadvantage to rivals overseas. Someanalysts have suggested the banks would seek to absorb the cost by passing itto borrowers through higher rates and to shareholders through lower dividends.


  The report,however, said the banks may be reluctant to pass on the cost to consumers andrisk losing market share. It estimated that a one-percentage-point increase in capitalratios, not including any benefits from competition, would increase lendinginterest rates by less than 10 basis points, which would reduce Australia’sgross domestic product by 0.01% to 0.1%.


  Australia's"Big Four" lenders hold a combined market share of more than 80percent, raising fears they are "too big to fail". Murray said in hisreport that the major banks would be rendered insolvent in the absence ofcapital raising if they were hit by a shock similar to what overseas bankssuffered during the global financial crisis.


  Australia’s government will consult widelywith consumers and industry on the report, which contained 44 recommendationsaimed at bolstering the nation’s financial sector, Hockey said after itsrelease. It will seek bipartisan political support when taking decisions on thereview, which will probably be after the first quarter of 2015, he said.


  (廖冰清 編譯)



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