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LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: Taking the improvement of quality as the lifeline of literary and artistic works

發佈時間:2024-10-31 09:09:49 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:曹川川


As writers and artists, you should take quality as the lifeblood of your works, strive to add more artistic and cultural value to your works, and make them a source of the people's cultural strength. Chinese writers and artists should try to tap into the ideas, humanism and ethics of traditional Chinese culture, integrate artistic creativity with Chinese cultural values, and combine traditional and modern aesthetics, to sustain its vitality. You need to properly handle the relationship between legacy and innovation, by learning from the past but not in a rigid manner, and by innovating but not breaking entirely with the past, so that China's fine traditions can serve as a major source of innovation in literature and art. New technologies and new methods should be employed as appropriate to stimulate creativity and inspiration, enrich cultural value, and express ideas and emotions so as to make works broader and more meaningful.