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LeadershipInsights | Xi's Voices: The people are the source of inspiration for literary and artistic creations.

發佈時間:2024-10-25 10:49:21 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:曹川川


In producing literary and artistic works and conducting research in philosophy and social sciences, we must know who we are creating and speaking for. 


This is a fundamental issue. 


The people are the source of inspiration for literary and artistic creations. Only through a people-centered approach can we draw inexhaustible inspiration.


Our writers and artists should look beyond their own lives and go deeper into the lives of ordinary people to tell stories about them, listen to their voices, and celebrate their merits. 


People working in the philosophy and social science circles should look beyond their ivory tower and conduct extensive field research to see how people live and think, then address their doubts and concerns in a way that echoes their inner world.