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2024年07月18日 星期四

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  • 發佈時間:2015-08-10 14:34:00  來源:中國日報網  作者:佚名  責任編輯:羅伯特


  Women experience more emotional pain following a breakup than men, researchers have found. 研究人員發現,分手後女性往往會經歷比男性更多的情感痛苦。

  They reported higher levels of both physical and emotional pain. 女性反饋的生理和情感上的痛苦程度都比男性高。

  However, researchers also said that, over time, they came out stronger - while men simply moved on and never fully recover. 不過研究人員也表示,一段時間之後,女性會變得更加堅強,而男性則只會繼續過活,永遠無法真正從情傷中走出。

  According to Craig Morris, research associate at Binghamton University and lead author on the study, the differences boil down to biology. 據該研究的主要作者、賓厄姆頓大學(Binghamton University)研究助理克雷格?莫裏斯(Craig Morris)稱,男女的這種差別歸結起來是生物學的問題。

  Women have more to lose by dating the wrong person. 和錯誤的人在一起,女性失去的會更多。

  'Put simply, women are evolved to invest far more in a relationship than a man,' Morris said. 莫裏斯説:“簡單地説,經過進化,女性在一段感情中所投入的要遠比男性多”。

  'A brief romantic encounter could lead to nine months of pregnancy followed by many years of lactation for an ancestral woman, while the man may have 'left the scene' literally minutes after the encounter, with no further biological investment. “對於女性祖先來説,一個簡單的浪漫邂逅可能意味著懷胎九月,之後又是數年的哺乳期,而男人也許在邂逅的幾分鐘後內便‘離開現場’,不再有更多的身體上的投資。”

  'It is this 'risk' of higher biological investment that, over evolutionary time, has made women choosier about selecting a high-quality mate. “正是這種更高的身體投資的‘風險’,使女人在高品質伴侶的選擇上逐步進化得愈加謹慎挑剔。”

  'Hence, the loss of a relationship with a high-quality mate 'hurts' more for a woman.' “因此,這段與高品質伴侶關係的終止會使女人感到更‘受傷’。”

  Conversely, as men have evolved to compete for the romantic attention of women, the loss of a high-quality mate for a man may not 'hurt' as much at first, Morris said. 莫裏斯説,與女人不同,男人則進化得為博得女人的關注而相互競爭,對於男人而言,失去高品質的伴侶在一開始“傷害”也許沒那麼深。

  'The man will likely feel the loss deeply and for a very long period of time as it 'sinks in' that he must 'start competing' all over again to replace what he has lost - or worse still, come to the realization that the loss is irreplaceable,' he said. 他説:“隨著男人了解到自己必須重新‘展開競爭’以取代失去的那個人,或者更糟的是,他們意識到自己所失去的人是無可替代的,男人很可能會更深刻、更長久地體會到這種損失。”

  Morris said that breakups are important because most of us will experience an average of three by age 30, with at least one affecting us strongly enough that it substantially decreases our quality of life for weeks or months. 莫裏斯認為分手很重要,因為我們大多數人在30歲之前平均會分手三次,其中至少一次會對我們産生強烈影響,大幅降低我們的生活品質,這一過程會持續幾週甚至幾個月。

  Researchers from Binghamton University and University College London asked 5,705 participants in 96 countries to rate the emotional and physical pain of a breakup on a scale of one (none) to 10 (unbearable). 賓厄姆頓大學和倫敦大學學院(University College London)的研究人員要求來自96個國家的5705名參與者將分手對自己造成的情感和生理痛苦程度用1到10表示,1表示沒有傷害,10表示難以忍受。

  They found that women tend to be more negatively affected by breakups, reporting higher levels of both physical and emotional pain. 研究人員發現分手往往會對女人産生更多消極影響,她們反饋的生理和情感痛苦程度更高。

  Women averaged 6.84 in terms of emotional anguish versus 6.58 in men. In terms of physical pain, women averaged 4.21 versus men's 3.75. 在情感痛苦上,女性平均得分6.84,男性為6.58,而在生理痛苦上,女性平均得分4.21,男性為3.75。

  While breakups hit women the hardest emotionally and physically, women tend to recover more fully and come out emotionally stronger. 雖然分手給女人在心理和生理上都帶來更大傷害,但女人往往在分手後更可能完全恢復,並變得更加堅強。

  Men, on the other hand, never full recover - they simply move on. 而男人則永遠無法完全走出分手的陰影,只能帶著情傷繼續生活。






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