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學習卡片 | 善戰者,立於不敗之地,而不失敵之敗也Those skilled in warfare make sure they are invincible and miss no chance of overwhelming their enemies
學習卡片 | 志不強者智不達,言不信者行不果The weak-minded cannot be wise; the dishonest cannot succeed
學習卡片 | 能用眾力,則無敵于天下矣;能用眾智,則無畏于聖人矣If you can employ the strength of the people, you will be invincible under Heaven; if you can employ the wisdom of the people, no sage will be cleverer than you
學習卡片 | 與天下同利者,天下持之;擅天下之利者,天下謀之A sovereign who shares the interests of the people will have their support; a sovereign who denies the interests of the people will provoke their opposition
學習卡片 | 德不優者,不能懷遠;才不大者,不能博見A person without virtue has no high aspirations; a person without talent has no keen insights
學習卡片 | 為有犧牲多壯志,敢教日月換新天Our minds grow stronger for the martyrs' sacrifice, daring to make the sun and the moon shine in the new sky
學習卡片 | 與天下同利者,天下持之;擅天下之利者,天下謀之A sovereign who shares the interests of the people will have their support; a sovereign who denies the interests of the people will provoke their opposition.
學習卡片 | 為有犧牲多壯志,敢教日月換新天Our minds grow stronger for the martyrs’ sacrifice, daring to make the sun and the moon shine in the new sky.
學習卡片 | 水能載舟,亦能覆舟The same water that keeps a ship afloat can also sink it
學習卡片 | 石可破也,而不可奪堅;丹可磨也,而不可奪赤A rock can be smashed, but its pieces will still be hard; cinnabar can be ground, but its powder will still be red
學習卡片 | 功以才成,業由才廣Feats are accomplished by capable people; work develops because of achievers
學習卡片 | 得眾則得國,失眾則失國Win popular support, and you win the country; lose it, and you will lose the country
學習卡片 | 志不立,天下無可成之事Without resolve, one can accomplish nothing
學習卡片 | 天下之大,黎元為本In a country, the people are the most important
學習卡片 | 操其要于上,而分其詳于下Leaders chart the course while the people get the job done
學習卡片 | 圖之於未萌,慮之於未有Nip the problem in the bud when it is in the making; prepare yourself for risks yet to emerge
學習卡片 | 知其事而不度其時則敗You are bound to fail if you only know what to do but without knowing the situation
學習卡片 | 自知者英,自勝者雄Heroes are those who know themselves and can surpass themselves
學習卡片 | 天下不能常治,有弊所當革也;猶人身不能常安,有疾所當治也To ensure lasting peace, problems must be addressed when they arise; to enjoy eternal health, people must go to the doctor when they get ill
學習卡片 | 惟以改過為能,不以無過為貴It's admirable to correct one's mistakes, and it's not commendable not to make any mistakes
學習卡片 | 生於憂患,死於安樂One prospers in worries and hardships, and perishes in ease and comfort
學習卡片 | 人患不知其過,既知之,不能改,是無勇也lt is most pitiful that one does not know one's mistakes, and those who know but do not change have no courage
學習卡片 | 秉綱而目自張,執本而末自從When the line of a fishing net is held up, all the meshes will be open. When the fundamental principles are upheld, all work will fall in place
學習卡片 | 君子之德風,小人之德草,草上之風必偃The rulers’virtue is like wind, and commoners' virtue like grass, which always bends in the direction of the wind
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