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學習卡片 | 窮理者欲知事物之所以然與其所當然者而已When seeking knowledge, one must know why and how
學習卡片 | 民之所好好之,民之所惡惡之Choose to do the things that the people want to be done, and avoid doing things that the people disapprove of
學習卡片 | 善莫大於作忠The greatest virtue is none other than loyalty
學習卡片 | 宰相起于州部,猛將發于卒伍Prime ministers must have served as local officials, and great generals must have risen from the ranks
學習卡片 | 以至公無私之心,行正大光明之事Do honest and upright things justly, selflessly, and conscientiously
學習卡片 | 茍利於民不必法古,茍周於事不必循舊If it is good for the people, there is no need to follow the practices of antiquity; if it serves the matter at hand, there is no need to observe the conventions of old.
學習卡片 | 舉直錯諸枉,則民服;舉枉錯諸直,則民不服People will obey you if you promote righteous men and suppress evil men. And they will disobey you if you do the contrary
學習卡片 | 知之愈明,則行之愈篤A clearer understanding of new concepts makes actions stronger and more targeted
學習卡片|天下之事,不難於立法,而難於法之必行The greatest challenge for a country lies not in making laws, but in putting those laws into effect
學習卡片 | 非知之難,行之惟難It is not knowledge but action that is difficult to acquire
學習卡片 | 立善法于天下,則天下治;立善法于一國,則一國治When the law of the land under heaven is good, there will be order in the land under heaven; when the laws of the state are good, there will be order in the state.
學習卡片 | 入山問礁、入水問漁apply different methods to solve different issues
學習卡片 | 為國也,觀俗立法則治,察國事本則宜In governing a country, a wise ruler establishes laws through observing popular customs, thus bringing order. He understands the fundamentals of the land he rules, thus implementing appropriate policies.
學習卡片 | 不知恥者,無所不為A person without shame knows no limits
學習卡片 | 機者如神,難遇易失Opportunities are rare and hard to grasp, and easy to lose
學習卡片 | 分則力散,專則力全Strength is weakened once divided
學習卡片 | 為政之要,以順民心為本Conforming to the will of the people is the key to governance
學習卡片 | 法非從天下,非從地出,發於人間,合乎人心而已The law does not fall from the sky or grow from the earth; it manifests from among the people and reflects their will
學習卡片 | 立善法于天下,則天下治;立善法于一國,則一國治If good laws are established under Heaven, then there will be order under Heaven; if good laws are established in a state, then there will be order in that state
學習卡片 | 法者,國之權衡也,時之準繩也Law is the scale of a state and the ethical benchmark for a society
學習卡片 | 孤舉者難起,眾行者易趨The going may be tough when one walks alone, but it gets easier when people walk together
學習卡片 | 見出以知入,觀往以知來One can tell the inside of a thing by observing its outside and see future developments by reviewing the past
學習卡片 | 禍幾始作,當杜其萌;疾證方形,當絕其根We must nip troubles in the bud and eliminate illnesses at their earliest stage
學習卡片 | 取之有制、用之有節則裕,取之無制、用之不節則乏Utilized with restraint, resources will be abundant; otherwise, they will be scarce
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