We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
學習卡片 | 治天下也,必先公,公則天下平矣To govern the country, the priority is to realize equality, and then stability will follow
學習卡片 | 將教天下,必定其家,必正其身He who would govern the country must first run his family well and discipline himself
學習卡片 | 新松恨不高千尺,惡竹應須斬萬竿Young pines should grow a thousand feet high, while poisoning bamboos should be cut down one by one
學習卡片 | 民之所好好之,民之所惡惡之Choose to do the things that the people want to be done, and avoid doing things that the people disapprove of
學習卡片 | 宰相起于州部,猛將發于卒伍Prime ministers must have served as local officials, and great generals must have risen from the ranks
學習卡片 | 茍利於民不必法古,茍周於事不必循舊If it is good for the people, there is no need to follow the practices of antiquity; if it serves the matter at hand, there is no need to observe the conventions of old.
學習卡片 | 舉直錯諸枉,則民服;舉枉錯諸直,則民不服People will obey you if you promote righteous men and suppress evil men. And they will disobey you if you do the contrary
學習卡片|天下之事,不難於立法,而難於法之必行The greatest challenge for a country lies not in making laws, but in putting those laws into effect
學習卡片 | 立善法于天下,則天下治;立善法于一國,則一國治When the law of the land under heaven is good, there will be order in the land under heaven; when the laws of the state are good, there will be order in the state.
學習卡片 | 為國也,觀俗立法則治,察國事本則宜In governing a country, a wise ruler establishes laws through observing popular customs, thus bringing order. He understands the fundamentals of the land he rules, thus implementing appropriate policies.