《求是》雜誌發表習近平總書記重要文章《必須堅持自信自立》Xi's article on maintaining self-confidence, self-reliance to be published
國際縱橫談丨習近平主席重要著作何以持續風行世界Why Xi's works a key to decoding modern China and its global vision
習近平同幾內亞比索總統恩巴洛會談Chinese, Guinea-Bissau presidents hold talks, elevate ties
習近平會見孟加拉國總理哈西娜Xi meets Bangladeshi PM, bilateral ties elevated
以海報、動圖等形式講述大國領袖治國理政的偉大理念和思想以及對人民的殷切關懷。 Displaying Xi’s great ideas and thoughts on governance as the leader of a major country, as well as his sincere care for the wellbeing of the people, through posters, motion graphics, etc.
學習卡片 | 志合者,不以山海為遠Nothing, not even mountains and seas, can separate people with common goals and ideals.
學習卡片 | 玉不琢,不成器;人不學,不知義A jade uncut will not be a useful vessel; a man without learning will not know the way.
學習卡片 | 博學之,審問之,慎思之,明辨之,篤行之Learn extensively, inquire earnestly, think profoundly, discriminate clearly and practice sincerely.
學習卡片 | 學者非必為仕,而仕者必為學One may or may not study for the purpose of becoming an official, but officials must be learned to fulfill their duties.
打造“習式”詞典,以向國際社會闡釋當代中國發展理念。 Presenting contemporary China’s development ideas to the world
學習詞典 | 經濟社會是一個動態迴圈系統,不能長時間停擺The economy and society, being dynamic in nature, cannot stop functioning for long
學習詞典 | 我們黨依靠鬥爭創造歷史,更要依靠鬥爭贏得未來Our Party has fought to create history, and will continue to fight to win the future
學習詞典 | 只要我們與時俱進加強國防和軍隊建設,向著黨在新時代的強軍目標闊步前行,就一定能夠為實現中華民族偉大復興提供更為堅強的戰略支撐!So long as we step up efforts to develop national defense and the armed forces in keeping pace with the times and march towards the Party's goal of building a strong military, we will ensure greater strategic support for national rejuvenation
學習詞典 | 只要我們始終堅持人民立場、人民至上,就一定能夠激發出無往而不勝的強大力量,就一定能夠不斷書寫中華民族偉大復興的精彩華章!So long as we stand firmly on the side of the people and uphold their principal position, we will spark their mighty and indomitable force and produce new and splendid chapters in the history of China's national rejuvenation
講述習近平承諾於人民、承諾於世界的故事。 Narrating the stories of Xi’s commitments to the people and the world
習文樂見 | 共同佑護各國人民生命和健康Work Together to Protect the Lives and Health of All
習文樂見 |維護地球家園,促進人類可持續發展Protect the Earth for Sustainable Development
習文樂見 | 共同維護世界和平安寧Maintain World Peace and Stability
習文樂見 | 深化文明交流互鑒Deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning
原音重現解析習近平總書記系列重要思想內涵、理論精髓。 Interpreting the essential connotations of Xi’s important thoughts and theories with his own words
習聲習語|團結就是力量,奮鬥開創未來Xi's Voices | Unity for Strength and Hard Work for a Bright Future
習聲習語|開展黨史學習教育要突出重點Xi's Voices | Focus of the Education Campaign on CPC History
習聲習語|共創後疫情時代美好世界Xi's Voices | Create a Better Post-Covid World
習聲習語|在中華人民共和國恢復聯合國合法席位五十週年紀念會議上的講話Xi's Voices | Speech at the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations


Chinese Spirit


Narrating the underlying spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation based on the guiding principles in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches.

Illustrated Lectures


Interpreting General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thought on governance as well as a series of new thoughts and new strategies he put forward through hand-drawn short videos.

中國有數China in Numbers
中國智慧Chinese Wisdom
碰詞兒Unique Chinese Words
學習慕課Xi MOOC
新青年新思想New Youth New Opinion
用文化為中國代言Speak for China with culture