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習近平在寧夏考察時強調 建設黃河流域生態保護和高品質發展先行區 在中國式現代化建設中譜寫好寧夏篇章

發佈時間:2024-06-24 08:50:00 | 來源:新華網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:張芃芃


新華社銀川6月21日電 中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平近日在寧夏考察時強調,寧夏要深入貫徹新發展理念,堅持穩中求進工作總基調,以鑄牢中華民族共同體意識為主線,以黃河流域生態保護和高品質發展先行區建設為牽引,統籌推進高品質發展和高水準保護、全面深化改革和擴大開放、新型城鎮化和鄉村振興、民族團結和共同富裕等工作,加快建設經濟繁榮、民族團結、環境優美、人民富裕的美麗新寧夏,奮力譜寫中國式現代化寧夏篇章。


6月19日至20日,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平在寧夏考察。這是19日下午,習近平在銀川市金鳳區長城花園社區黨群服務中心便民服務廳了解社區開展便民惠民服務等情況。新華社記者 謝環馳 攝


6月19日至20日,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平在寧夏考察。這是19日下午,習近平在銀川市金鳳區長城花園社區活動室考察時,同社區居民親切交流。新華社記者 謝環馳 攝


6月19日至20日,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平在寧夏考察。這是19日下午,習近平在銀川市金鳳區長城花園社區居民趙守成家中,同一家人圍坐在一起拉家常。新華社記者 謝環馳 攝


6月19日至20日,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平在寧夏考察。這是19日下午,習近平在銀川市金鳳區長城花園社區考察時,同社區居民親切交流。新華社記者 謝環馳 攝




6月19日至20日,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平在寧夏考察。這是19日下午,習近平在銀川市金鳳區長城花園社區黨群服務中心社區衛生站同醫務人員親切交流。新華社記者 謝環馳 攝


6月19日至20日,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平在寧夏考察。這是19日下午,習近平在銀川市金鳳區長城花園社區活動室考察時,同社區居民親切交流。新華社記者 燕雁 攝


6月19日至20日,中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平在寧夏考察。這是19日下午,習近平在銀川市金鳳區長城花園社區考察時,同社區居民親切交流。新華社記者 燕雁 攝



Xi stresses Yellow River basin ecological conservation, high-quality development

BEIJING, June 22 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, Chinese president, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said that Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region should thoroughly implement the new development philosophy on all fronts, and adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability. He made the remarks during an inspection tour in the northwest autonomous region.

He urged Ningxia to take it as the guiding principle to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and make it a major task to build an ecological conservation and high-quality development pilot zone in the Yellow River Basin. Under the guiding principle and major task, Ningxia should coordinate the promotion of high-quality development and high-level protection, comprehensively deepen reform and expand opening up, advance a new type of urbanization and rural revitalization, and strengthen its work on ethnic unity and common prosperity. The autonomous region is urged to accelerate the building of a new Ningxia with a prosperous economy, ethnic unity, beautiful environment and well-off people, so as to write its own chapter in advancing Chinese modernization.

On June 19, Xi arrived in Ningxia after he wrapped up his inspection tour in Qinghai Province. In the afternoon, he made an inspection tour in Yinchuan, capital of the autonomous region, accompanied by Liang Yanshun, secretary of the CPC Ningxia Autonomous Regional Committee, and Zhang Yupu, governor of Ningxia.

The Changcheng Garden community in Jinfeng District of Yinchuan City is a large community inhabited by residents from a number of ethnic groups. Xi first came to the community service center. He visited the service hall, community public health station, and a supermarket, and was briefed on the community work. He learned in detail how Party organizations in the community play their role in organizing neighborhood activities and providing services to residents. After that, he came to the community activity room, and, with great interest, he watched some residents doing paper-cutting and rehearsing dance. He talked cordially with residents there, encouraging retirees to not only enjoy elderly care and develop hobbies, but also have something meaningful to do.

Xi pointed out that community Party organizations are the "nerve ends" of the CPC to establish contact with people at the grassroots, and they should play a leading role in a community. When community Party organizations are well established and strong, community work has its anchor, Xi said. Party building should function as a linchpin for community work, which should focus on addressing the pressing difficulties and problems that concern people most, and do everything possible in earnest to serve the needs of residents.

Xi came to the home of Zhao Shoucheng, a community resident, and sat with his family to chat about their employment, income, medical insurance, and children's education, appreciating their happy life and encouraging their children to develop moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility, and work skills. Zhao told Xi that the local Party committee and government are very concerned about community development, especially in renovating old neighborhoods and organizing cultural and sports activities for residents. They have done a lot of practical work in these areas, and people of all ethnic groups live harmoniously in the community and enjoy a comfortable life. Xi emphasized that the CPC is dedicated to serving the people, and the well-being of the people of all ethnic groups and every household is his concern. He expressed the hope that residents maintain a sound family environment so that their lives will get better and better.

In the evening, the community square was very lively. When the residents saw Xi arriving, they gathered around, applauding warmly to welcome him. Xi cordially said to them, "After four years, I come to Ningxia again to visit the officials and people of all ethnic groups. I am very happy to see you all!" The Chinese nation is a big family and people of all ethnic groups should be closely united like the seeds of a pomegranate, he said. He stressed the need to consolidate the sense of community for the Chinese nation, bringing people's hearts of all ethnic groups closer, and rallying forces from all sectors to jointly advance Chinese modernization and participate in the grand endeavor of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

On the morning of June 20, Xi was briefed on the work of the autonomous region by the CPC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regional Committee and the regional government. He affirmed what the autonomous region has achieved in the various aspects of its work.

Xi pointed out that with its unique geographical conditions and rich resources, Ningxia should take a special and different path for its industrial development, so as to build a modern industrial system with special advantages and competitiveness. He urged the autonomous region to constantly refine and intensively develop its modern coal chemical industry, new materials industry as well as clean energy such as wind power, photovoltaics, and hydrogen energy, along with other characteristic industries like wine and goji berries. Efforts should be made to make the development of these industries sustainable. He also noted the need for the autonomous region to integrate culture and tourism, and vigorously develop characteristic and "all-for-one" tourism. It is imperative for the region to advance the integration between scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, intensify the application of scientific and technological achievements, boost the transformation and upgrading of its traditional industries, develop strategic emerging industries, and forge new quality productive forces according to local conditions. Given the fact that the northern irrigation area of the Yellow River, the central drought area and the southern mountainous area have their own characteristics, Xi called on the region to have a clear understanding of their respective foundation for industrial development, their resource capacity and development potential. Then, the autonomous region needs to strengthen overall planning, and promote industrial cooperation, creating a new development paradigm under which different areas complement each other in development, urban and rural development is integrated, and different parts of the region interact with each other.

Xi stressed that Ningxia should intensify efforts to deepen reform in major areas and explore reforms with its own local characteristics. He called on Ningxia to improve the systems underpinning the market economy, actively integrate itself into the building of a unified national market, continue to advance reform of state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises, conscientiously implement the policies boosting the development of the private sector, optimize the business environment, and give impetus to social investment. Ningxia should also remain committed to coordinating opening up both domestically and abroad, take an active part in the Belt and Road Initiative and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, deepen economic and trade cooperation with Arab countries, and improve the level of opening up in inland regions, said Xi. He added that the baseline for Ningxia to plan reform and development is to protect well the ecosystems of the Yellow River, the Helan Mountain, the Liupan Mountain and the Luoshan Mountain. It is imperative for the autonomous region to advance reform on market-based allocation of resources and environmental factors, refine the mechanisms to realize the market value of ecosystem goods and services and the compensation system for ecological conservation, and implement the strictest management system for water resources. It is imperative for the autonomous region to win the tough battle against desertification in the riverbend region of the Yellow River, and promote in a coordinated manner the conservation and restoration of forest, grassland, wetland, and desert ecosystems as well as the comprehensive treatment of saline and alkaline land, so as to make the "oasis land north of the Great Wall" increasingly beautiful.

Xi noted the need for the autonomous region to see that the work to support people's livelihood is inclusive, meet essential needs, and ensure basic living standards for those in difficulty, spare no effort to resolve the pressing difficulties and problems that concern people most, and take solid steps to promote common prosperity among all ethnic groups. Efforts should be made to prioritize employment and effectively assist key groups including college graduates, migrant workers, and ex-service people in finding jobs. The autonomous region should actively promote urban renewal and strengthen the renovation of old urban residential communities. It is also imperative for the region to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas in accordance with the movement of population, and advance the integration of urban and rural industry development, infrastructure, and public services. It is a must for the autonomous region to advance rural revitalization across the board, implement the action plan well to help millions of migrants become prosperous, advance the construction of beautiful rural areas, and promote the transformation of outdated rural customs. Efforts should also be made to consolidate and expand what has been achieved in poverty alleviation, and deepen paired assistance and social support to see that no large number of people become poverty-stricken again. Good work must be done to ensure workplace safety, and strengthen the work to identify and address risks and potential dangers, so as to effectively safeguard the safety of people's lives and property.

Xi stressed that Ningxia should fully implement the Party's major principles and policies for work on ethnic affairs in the new era, and strive to make the autonomous region a demonstration area for consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation. The autonomous region should govern ethnic affairs in accordance with the law, focus on building a social structure and community environment where residents from different ethnic groups live as neighbors, and continuously broaden the practical path for all ethnic groups to be fully integrated. It is essential for Ningxia to fully implement the theories, principles and policies of the Party's religious work in the new era, and strengthen ideological and political guidance for the religious circle.

Xi pointed out that the on-going campaign to study the Party discipline across the entire Party must be carried out in earnest so that real outcome can be achieved. Party members and officials should be encouraged to conscientiously study the Party discipline and regulations. Abiding by the Party discipline and regulations, Party members and officials should focus on their work, stay open-minded, forge ahead, and try to achieve as much as they can. Concerted work must be done to enhance Party consciousness, improve Party conduct, and tighten Party discipline. Work on improving Party conduct must continue permanently. It is essential to further fight against pointless formalities so as to reduce the burden on primary-level officials. Coordinated steps should be taken to see that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to be corrupt so that sound Party conduct will help rally people's support and guide social morals.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, and leading officials from relevant Party and state departments accompanied Xi on the inspection tour. ■