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《求是》雜誌發表習近平總書記重要文章《加強文化遺産保護傳承 弘揚中華優秀傳統文化》

發佈時間:2024-04-16 08:51:39 | 來源:新華社 | 作者: | 責任編輯:丁素雲

新華社北京4月15日電 4月16日出版的第8期《求是》雜誌將發表中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平的重要文章《加強文化遺産保護傳承 弘揚中華優秀傳統文化》。這是習近平總書記2013年8月至2023年9月期間有關重要論述的節錄。




Xi's article on cultural heritage, fine traditional Chinese culture to be published

BEIJING, April 15 (Xinhua) -- An article by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on preserving and passing on cultural heritage and carrying forward fine traditional Chinese culture will be published on Tuesday.

The article by Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will be published in this year's eighth issue of the Qiushi Journal, a flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee.

It is a collection of excerpts from Xi's relevant discourses from August 2013 to September 2023.

The article lauds Chinese civilization for its long and continuous history that stretches back to antiquity, saying that it has shaped the great Chinese nation.

Cultural relics and cultural heritage, in particular, carry inherent features of the nation, says the article, calling them China's "nonrenewable and irreplaceable" cultural resources.

The article states that it is imperative to comprehensively improve the protection and utilization of cultural relics and better preserve and carry forward cultural heritage.

It calls for efforts to systematically sort out traditional cultural resources and bring back to life relics sleeping in closed palaces, heritage on the vast land of China and records in ancient books.

The world comprises various civilizations, the article stresses, adding that China is one of the countries boasting the longest history and oldest culture, and the Chinese civilization has always appreciated mutual understanding and respect for different civilizations.

It is necessary to strengthen cultural exchanges with the rest of the world, act on the Global Civilization Initiative, and give profound and lasting cultural impetus to building a community with a shared future for humanity, the article reads.