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發佈時間:2024-04-01 09:32:33 | 來源:人民網-人民日報 | 作者: | 責任編輯:張芃芃

新華社北京3月29日電 3月28日,國家主席習近平致電巴西魯·迪奧馬耶·法耶,祝賀他當選塞內加爾共和國總統。


《 人民日報 》( 2024年03月30日 01 版)

BEIJING, March 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday congratulated Bassirou Diomaye Faye on his election as Senegalese president.

Since China and Senegal established diplomatic ties, the two countries have embraced ever-stronger mutual political trust, fruitful achievements in practical cooperation, as well as close coordination on international affairs, Xi said.

As co-chairs of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), the two countries will jointly host a FOCAC summit in China this year, he said.

Noting that he attaches great importance to developing China-Senegal ties, Xi said he stands ready to work with Faye to support each other, enhance unity and coordination, hold a successful FOCAC summit together, and advance the continuous development of China-Senegal and China-Africa ties, so as to better benefit the people of both sides. ■