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習近平為第六批全國幹部學習培訓教材作序 要求各級幹部發揚理論聯繫實際的

馬克思主義學風 當好中國式現代化建設的堅定行動派實干家

發佈時間:2024-03-01 09:14:56 | 來源:新華網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:張芃芃

新華社北京2月29日電 中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平為即將出版發行的第六批全國幹部學習培訓教材作序。他強調,中國式現代化是強國建設、民族復興的康莊大道,開闢的是人類邁向現代化的新道路,開創的是人類文明新形態。對我們黨而言,這既是光榮的歷史使命,也是嚴峻的現實考驗,迫切需要以理論武裝推動全黨團結、事業發展。





Xi writes preface to reading materials for training of officials

BEIJING, Feb. 29 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, wrote a preface to the sixth batch of reading materials for the training of officials across the country, which will soon be published. He emphasized that Chinese modernization is a sure path for building China into a strong country and realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and advancing it will help blaze a new trail for modernization of humanity, and create a new form of human advancement. It is both an honorable historic mission and a serious test for the Party, which urgently needs to equip itself with theories to promote its solidarity and the development of its cause.

Xi noted that only a robust theoretical footing can lead to clear direction, remarkable cohesiveness and strong confidence. It is imperative for trainee officials to consolidate the gains made in the theoretical study program, keep enhancing cohesion and forging souls with the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, have a good command of fundamental Marxist theories, and ensure their alignment in political standing and action through a high degree of unity in thinking, so as to comprehensively improve their political competence, leadership and working skills for advancing Chinese modernization. It is imperative to draw inspiration for forging ahead with enterprise and resolve from the Party's new theories, reinforce confidence in history and honing the ability to carry out struggle. On the new journey, it is essential to forge ahead with determination and have courage to tackle challenges, and make new achievements in the new era.

Xi stressed that it is useless to only talk about theories without putting them into practice. The relevance of learning the Party's new theories lies in applying them to practical work. Officials at all levels should carry forward the Marxist style of study that combines theory with practice, consciously master and apply the powerful ideological weapon of the Party's new theories. It is imperative to focus on the central task of building China into a strong country and realizing national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization, and continue to solve problems that hinder high-quality development, problems that the people are most concerned about, and prominent problems in Party building. It is essential to effectively guard against and defuse major risks, and work creatively to turn the grand blueprint outlined at the 20th CPC National Congress into a beautiful reality.

Xi noted that in the new era, the innovation in Party's theories and practical work has been vivid, and so should be our study. These reading materials reflect the achievements of the innovation in the new era and represent our Party's vivid practices to advance and expand Chinese modernization. Officials at all levels should do a good job in studying the reading materials and putting them into practice, and take concrete action and do solid work in advancing Chinese modernization.

The sixth batch of reading materials for the training of officials across the country was compiled under the organization of the Steering Committee for National Officials Training Materials Compilation and Review. There are altogether nine books, including four theoretical textbooks: Deep Understanding of the Decisive Significance of "Two Upholds," The Worldview and Methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Advancing the Great New Project of Party Building in the New Era, and Advancing and Expanding Chinese Modernization. Additionally, there are five Case Study Volumes on Advancing and Expanding Chinese Modernization, covering a wide range of subjects: economy; education, science and technology, and talent; politics and rule of law; culture and society; and ecological civilization and national security. These materials will be published by the People's Publishing House and the Party Building Books Publishing House. ■