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發佈時間:2024-02-20 08:52:50 | 來源:新華網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:曹川川















Xi stresses enhancing guarantee ability of land element for high-quality development of regions with competitive strengths

Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed on Monday that the guarantee ability of land element should be enhanced to ensure the high-quality development of regions which enjoy competitive strengths, and that the grassroots emergency management capacity should be further improved.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks when presiding over the fourth meeting of the central commission for deepening overall reform of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which he heads.

The meeting reviewed and adopted guidelines regarding land administration system reform, promoting the overall green transition of China's economic and social development, enhancing grassroots emergency management capacity, and accelerating the formation of fundamental systems that support comprehensive innovation. It also reviewed and adopted the commission's work report for year 2023 as well as the commission's key work tasks in 2024.

During the meeting, Xi stressed that the land administration system should be optimized to more effectively coordinate with macroeconomic policies and regional development so that the land element can be utilized for greater precision and higher efficiency. Efforts should be made to enhance the ability of the land element to guarantee high-quality development in regions that enjoy competitive strengths.

Xi said that promoting the overall green transition of China's economic and social development is a fundamental policy to address problems related to resources, the environment and ecology, and that China will pursue such a transition in a comprehensive, coordinated, innovative and sound approach.

Aiming for the national goals of peaking carbon emissions before 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality before 2060, efforts will be made to coordinatively promote carbon emission reduction, pollution reduction, green development expansion and economic growth, and to integrate the concept of green development throughout the entire process of economic and social development, according to Xi.

He urged efforts to strengthen the grassroots emergency management capacity to promptly and effectively handle various disasters and accidents, and to secure the bottom line of safety.

Xi also called for efforts to accelerate the building of basic systems for comprehensive innovation by closely focusing on the outstanding issues that restrict the deep integration of science and technology with the economy.

Li Qiang, Wang Huning and Cai Qi, members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and deputy directors of the commission for deepening overall reform, attended the meeting.

China should improve fiscal, tax, financial, investment and pricing policies and relevant market-oriented mechanisms to support green and low-carbon transformation, and provide policy support and institutional guarantees for green transformation, the meeting said.

China should also improve the guarantee mechanism, increase basic investment, and strengthen emergency response and rescue capacities of various regions in line with local conditions such as population size, economic scale, characteristics of disasters and accidents, and the degree of safety risks, according to the meeting.

On comprehensively supporting innovation, the meeting called for conducting the policy alignment assessment of newly unveiled measures and newly established systems to ensure policy synergy.

In the past year, China organized and implemented the reform of the Party and state institutions, improved the systems for Party leadership, optimized the responsibility allocation of institutions in key areas, including technology and finance, with reform tasks at the central level basically completed, the meeting said.

This year is another important year of comprehensively deepening reform, according to the meeting.

It is not only a continuation of the comprehensive deepening of reform since the third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, but also a new chapter of the new journey to promote Chinese modernization, the meeting said.

China should continue to implement reform measures that help expand domestic demand, improve structure, boost confidence, ensure people's livelihoods, and forestall and defuse risks.

Efforts should focus on addressing the most critical and urgent issues, and removing institutional obstacles that hinder the smooth progress of Chinese modernization.

The meeting underlined the importance of fully motivating all sectors for reform, further building consensus on reform, and mobilizing the whole Party and whole country to advance and implement major reform tasks.