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發佈時間:2023-12-19 11:02:00 | 來源:新華網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:張芃芃

新華社北京12月18日電 國家主席習近平18日下午在中南海瀛臺會見來京述職的澳門特別行政區行政長官賀一誠,聽取他對澳門當前形勢和特別行政區政府工作情況的彙報。

12月18日,國家主席習近平在中南海會見來京述職的澳門特別行政區行政長官賀一誠。新華社記者 丁海濤 攝


12月18日,國家主席習近平在中南海會見來京述職的澳門特別行政區行政長官賀一誠。新華社記者 李學仁 攝



Xi hears report from Macao SAR chief executive

BEIJING, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping on Monday met with Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng, who is on a duty visit to Beijing.

During the meeting, Xi heard a report from Ho on Macao's current situation and the Macao SAR government's work.

Lauding Ho's work over the past year, Xi said Ho has led the Macao SAR government in diligently performing its duties, staying results-oriented and hard-working, successfully finishing the amending of the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Macao SAR, and taking orderly steps to advance the work to amend the region's laws for electing its chief executive and legislative council.

He also noted that the Macao SAR government has strengthened the management of the region's gaming sector and formulated Macao's first comprehensive plan for its diversified development.

New achievements have been made in advancing the construction of the Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin, and international exchanges and cooperation have been further expanded, Xi said, adding that Macao has achieved a rapid economic recovery while maintaining social harmony and stability.

Xi said the central authorities fully acknowledged the work of Ho and the Macao SAR government.

The central authorities will, as always, fully, firmly and accurately implement the "one country, two systems" policy, and fully implement the principle of "patriots administering Macao," Xi said.

Xi stressed that the central authorities will fully support the chief executive and the Macao SAR government to unite and lead people from all sectors of society in seizing the historic opportunities brought about by the nation's development, continuing to advance the successful practice of "one country, two systems" with Macao characteristics, and embracing the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland with new fruits of development.

Li Qiang, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Shi Taifeng, Chen Wenqing, Xia Baolong and other senior officials attended the meeting. ■