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Founded amid domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, our Party has been tempered through numerous tribulations, and grown strong by surmounting difficulties. It does not fear powerful enemies or any risk or challenge; it has the courage to fight and the mettle to win

發佈時間:2023-09-20 08:34:04 | 來源:中國網-中國習觀 | 作者: | 責任編輯:張芃芃

Founded amid domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, our Party has been tempered through numerous tribulations, and grown strong by surmounting difficulties. It does not fear powerful enemies or any risk or challenge; it has the courage to fight and the mettle to win.

Founded amid domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, our Party has been tempered through numerous tribulations, and grown strong by surmounting difficulties. It does not fear powerful enemies or any risk or challenge; it has the courage to fight and the mettle to win. To fulfill its historic duty to the cause of the Party and the people ,it has never flinched before formidable enemies or backed down in the face of severe challenges on its path. It fears no sacrifice or setback. 

--Speech at the second full assembly of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, November 11, 2021