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Hold together tightly like pomegranate seeds

發佈時間:2023-04-07 10:00:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔚力

Hold together tightly like pomegranate seeds


The Chinese nation is a big family


everyone in the family deserves a good life


We cannot have across-the-board moderate prosperity and modernization


if ethnic minority areas are let behind


We should accelerate development of ethnic minority groups and the areas they inhabit


ensure their equal access to basic public services


and help them turn natural resources into economic gains


The achievements of reform and development should benefit more people from all ethnic groups in a fairer way


so that they will have a growing sense of gain, happiness and security……


to create a better future 


and share the new glories and dreams of the Chinese nation


——The speech at the national conference commending model units and individuals for contributing to ethnic unity and progress, September 27, 2019.


China is a united multiethnic country. Through continuous exchange and integration of various ethnic groups across thousands of years, the Chinese nation has become a community of shared future. To improve ethnic affairs in the new era, we must focus on heightening a sense of identity of the Chinese nation and work together to create splendid culture of the Chinese nation.


The white paper “Moderate Prosperity in All Respects: Another Milestone Achieved in China’s Human Rights” released by the State Council Information Office on August 12, 2021, pointed out (data as of 2020):


Raising the living standards of ethnic minority groups and areas


Between 2018 and 2020, the five autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang and the three provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai with large ethnic minority populations recorded faster economic growth than the national average


The per capita disposable income of their residents increased to RMB24,534 in 2020


Developing education in ethnic minority areas


All ethnic minority areas have enforced nine-year compulsory education


Boosting cultural undertakings of ethnic minority groups


There were 729 radio and television stations in ethnic autonomous areas


Of the 42 items from China included in the UNESCO Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage 15 are from ethnic minority areas


The CPC Central Committee has made fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation the main task in its work related to ethnic affairs in the new era. It is a major decision made to maintain the great unity of the Chinese nation and to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. It is also an important conclusion drawn from a thorough review of the historical experience and lessons.

——Xi’s speech during a deliberation with his fellow deputies from the delegation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the Fifth Session of the 13th NPC, March 5, 2022.

