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發佈時間:2022-12-07 10:30:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔚力

Health is the most important indicator of a happy life


Eyeing the goal to meet people’s needs


we should build a higher-level public health service system


push the public health work forward


and establish a new pattern to promote health through sports featuring


collaboration of sports, health and other departments and extensive public participation


We must uphold the health-first education idea


strengthen sporting education in schools


and enable children to achieve coordinated development in both academic and physical education


——Excerpt from Xi Jinping’s speech at a seminar of experts from the educational, cultural, health and sports sectors on September 22, 2022 


People’s health is the foundation for social civility and progress. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always put people’s health on the top of his agenda and spared no efforts to advance the building of a “Healthy China”. Inspired the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics, more and more people have participated in sports. The national fitness campaign is bolstering the construction of a “Healthy China”. A series of measures, including the release of documents such as the Outline of the “Healthy China 2030” Plan and the 14th Five-Year Plan for Sports Development, boost the rapid development of China’s public health undertakings in the new era. (Source: National Health Commission of China, General Administration of Sport of China) 


In 2019, the average life expectancy in China reached 77.3 years, one year more than the 2015 level, ranking among the top one third of middle- and high-income countries. 


By the end of 2020, China had 4,086,000 doctors, and the number of doctors per thousand people reached 2.9.


In 2020, medial and healthcare institutions around China offered diagnosis and treatment services to 7.74 billion person-times.


China’s basic medical insurance covered more than 1.36 billion people, with a coverage rate above 95%.


In 2020, China’s medical aid fund spent 54.684 billion yuan.


In 2020, the health literacy rate of Chinese citizens reached 23.15%, up by 6.09% from 2018.


From 2015 when Beijing successfully bid for hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics to October 2021, more than 346 million people in China were engaged in winter sports, with a participation rate of 24.56%.


If we cannot ensure the people’s health, we cannot achieve moderate prosperity in all respects. We should prioritize public health, popularizing a health lifestyle, improving health services and security, building a healthy environment, and developing health industries. We should quicken our pace in implementing the healthy China program, striving to ensure all-round people’s health at all times. These are the requirements of good health in realizing the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

——Main points of the speech at the National Health Conference, August 19, 2016

