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發佈時間:2022-12-07 10:30:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔚力

Transport has become a frontier in China’s modernization drive


We should leverage the enabling role of transport


and increase related input in poor regions


so that local economies and people' s lives could improve as a result of better roads


We should enhance North-South and South-South cooperation


and scale up support for developing transport infrastructure in the least developed countries and landlocked developing countries


in an effort to achieve common prosperity


——Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of The Second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference, October 14, 2021


In recent years, China has seen marked progress and made incredible achievements in transport infrastructure and equipment. To coordinate the efforts to build China into a strong power in the transport sector, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued and enacted the Outline for Building China’s Strength in Transportin 2019, and then released the Outline on Developing Integrated National Transport Network in 2021. 


Transport is essential for linking different regions of China as well as connecting the country with the outside world. The Statistical Communiqué on National Transport Development in 2021 released in May 2022 clearly showed that China has continued quickening its pace to build a strong power in the transport sector (data as of the end of 2021).


In 2021, China completed transport fixed assets investment of 3.6 trillion yuan.


The country’s total high-speed railway mileage reached 40,000 kilometers, total expressway mileage reached 169,000 kilometers.


It had 2,659 berths at the 10,000-ton level or above and 244 cities (or prefectures) linked with civil aviation routes.


The highway mileage in rural areas totaled 4,466,000 kilometers.


Express delivery services covered 98% of townships around the country.


The number of EMU trains reached 33,221, a year-on-year increase of 6%.


The number of cargo trucks reached 604,000, an increase by 97,000 from the previous year.


The commercial cargo amount transported in 2021 added up to 52.16 billion tons.


A total of 15,183 China-Europe freight trains were operated in 2021, surpassing the 15,000 mark for the first time.


The foreign trade throughputs of ports across China totaled 4.7 billion tons.


The trains transported 570,000 standard containers along the new western land-sea corridor, a year-on-year increase of 57.5%..


Let us stick together on the promising path of connectivity and mutual benefit, jointly build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

——Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of The Second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference, October 14, 2021

