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發佈時間:2022-12-07 10:30:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔚力

Protecting IPR is equal to protecting innovation


Without innovation, there will be no progress


Full intellectual property protection


will not only ensure the lawful rights and interests of Chinese and foreign companies


it is also crucial to promoting China's innovation-driven and quality development


China will spare no effort to foster a business environment that respects the value of knowledge


We will fully improve the legal framework for protecting intellectual property


step up law enforcement


enhance protection of the lawful rights and interests of foreign intellectual property owners


stop forced technology transfer


improve protection of trade secrets


and crack down hard on violations of intellectual property in accordance with law


——Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, April 26, 2019


As China enters the new development stage, promoting high-quality development becomes essential for continuous, healthy development of the Chinese economy, and innovation becomes the primary driving force for development. In this context, intellectual property’s role as the strategic resource of national development and the core component of international competitiveness has become unprecedentedly significant. In September 2021, an outline for building an intellectual property power (2021-2035) was issued, laying out a blueprint for China to strengthen the development of intellectual property rights.


The white paper “Status of Intellectual Property Protection in China in 2020” was released in April 2022. According to the white paper, China has made marked progress in fields like system building, approval and registration, cultural construction, and international cooperation in intellectual property protection.


China ranked 12th in the Global Innovation Index 2021 Report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization.


China revised and promulgated two laws and regulations on intellectual property, issued four judicial interpretations related to intellectual property protection, issued and enacted more than 20 policy documents on intellectual property protection, approved 696,000 invention patents, increasing by 31.3% year on year, and 7,739,00 trademark registration applications, increasing by 34.3% year on year, and registered 6,264,400 copyrights, increasingly 24.3% year on year.


Besides, more than 100,000 articles on intellectual property protection were published, and discussions of relevant topics on new media platforms attracted nearly 4 billion participants.


China will strengthen the whole-chain IPR protection by comprehensively using legal, administrative, economic, technological, and social governance means. China should improve the protection system through the coordination of various aspects, including administrative law enforcement, judicial protection, industry self-discipline and individual integrity.

——Part of the speech at the 25th group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, November 30, 2020

