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發佈時間:2022-12-07 10:30:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔚力

Making China stronger in the aerospace sector requires continuous efforts across generations


(The launch site) should vigorously promote the spirit of the national defense scientists and the spirit of manned spaceflight scientists


continue to eye the frontier of global space development and the major strategic needs of China's space industry


strengthen its sense of mission and responsibility


bravely seek innovations and breakthroughs


and comprehensively improve its modern space launch capabilities


so as to build itself into a world-class spacecraft launch site


——Excerpt from President Xi Jinping’s speech during his inspection tour to the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on April 12, 2022 


On June 5, 2022, just about a month after the Shenzhou-13 manned spacecraft returned, the Shenzhou-14 was successfully launched into space, enabling people around the world to be surprised by China’s capacities in space exploration. 


In April 2022, the State Council Information Office issued the white paper “China's Space Program: A 2021 Perspective” which introduced the important progress of China’s space program since 2016, as well as the major tasks in the next five years, and deepened the international community’s understanding of China’s space exploration.


From 2016 to December 2021, 207 launch missions were completed, including 183 by the Long March carrier rocket series.


China has successfully completed the second phase of its manned spaceflight project, 6 astronauts have worked in China’s space station.


The Chang’e-4 lunar probe performed humanity’s first soft landing on the far side of the moon.


The Chang’e-5 lunar probe brought back 1,731 g of samples from the moon.


The communications and broadcasting satellite network has made direct services available to over 140 million households in China’s rural and remote areas.


Since 2016, China has signed 46 space cooperation agreements or memoranda of understanding with 19 countries and regions and four international organizations.


The data from China’s meteorological satellites have been widely used in 121 countries and regions


Through the Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China) (Affiliated to the United Nations), it has trained almost 1,000 space-industry professionals for more than 60 countries.


Giving full play to the advantages of the new system of pooling national resources and strengths, enhancing independent innovation, strengthening overall planning and working harder to promote the innovative development of China's space science, space technologies, and space applications. He also stressed actively conducting international cooperation and making better contributions to humanity's well-being.

——Main point of the speech at the meeting with representatives of space scientists and engineers who participated in the research and development of the Chang'e-5 lunar mission, February 22, 2021 

