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習聲習語 | 黨的自我革命(三)

發佈時間:2022-12-01 17:49:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔚力


Self-Reform of the CPC in Xi Jinping: The Governance of China III


Xi's Focus | Self-Reform of the CPC (Ⅲ)


——Remain True to Our Original Aspiration and Founding Mission - An Ongoing Campaign


The third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China vividly records a series of important statements and speeches made by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, based on his experiences in state governance in the new era since the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017. It fully and systematically reflects Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and demonstrates the latest achievements in the Sinicization of Marxism. As for self-Reform of the CPC, General Secretary Xi said: 


Tidy our rooms and polish our mirrors regularly to keep them neat and clean. 


We must guide all Party organizations, members and officials to examine their political thinking against the requirements of the Central Committee, 


scan their behavior against the Party Constitution and regulations,scrutinize their performance against the people's expectations, 


and compare themselves with the revolutionaries and martyrs of the older generation and with today's role models. 


We should constantly remind ourselves of our original aspiration, 


and stay true to and shoulder our founding mission. 


We need to nurture the aspiration and keep to the mission through innovative thinking, 


allow them to further motivate us by reviewing the extraordinary history of our Party,  


and build a deeper understanding of them as we further regulate intra-Party political activities, 


so that they can be a driving force for us to forge ahead.innovate and do hard and solid work.


It is through learning that we Communists have come so far today, 


and it is still the weapon that we must employ as we march into the future.


All Party members must keep pace with the times, casting off outdated mindsets, old routines and old practices in thought, deed and decision-making. 


Otherwise we will be left behind, fail to perform our duties, miss good opportunities,and ruin our work. 


This problem requires the highest attention from all Party members and particularly from leading officials at all levels.


Advancing with the times must be more than a mere slogan; it must guide our thinking and action. 


We cannot blind ourselves to what is-really happening out there like the people in the legendary Peach Blossom Spring who cut all ties with the outside world.


It is not hard to find the original aspiration but it is not easy to follow through.


All Party members must constantly uphold revolutionary ideals, maintain high morale, 


and use the weapons of criticism and self-criticism to improve Party conduct, 


enforce Party discipline and fight corruption. 


We will continue to strengthen the Party's ability to cleanse, improve, reform and surpass itself. 


We must fight against anything that might weaken the Party's foundations


and undermine the Party's undertakings, and eliminate any virus that erodes the Party's health.


A towering tree will not grow in a plant pot, likewise, a great cause cannot be achieved by idlers. 


To become mainstays of the Party our members and officials must face the world, brave the storm, hone their skills, and enhance their capabilities. 


They should be men and women of courage and action, knowledgeable and ready to take on responsibilities. 


They should lead the charge in the face of major challenges, risks, and resistance, and distinguish themselves.


Systems are to be observed and enforced. 


The whole Party must strengthen its will to abide by, implement and uphold our systems, and put in place an authoritative and efficient enforcement mechanism to step up supervision of their implementation. 


We must ensure the full and solid implementation of the system for remaining true to the original aspiration and founding mission and stamp out the practices of rule-bending, 


loose and selective enforcement, in case rigid restrictions become lax, and a long-acting mechanism becomes ineffective.


"If we fail to lead by example, others will neither trust nor follow us.”


Leadership organs and leading officials have always been the first to charge forward, 


which is the key to our Party's success.

——2020年1月8日,習近平在“不忘初心 牢記使命”主題教育總結大會上的講話

——Speech at the conference reviewing the Aspiration and Mission education campaign,January 8, 2020