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習聲習語 |積極發展社會主義民主政治

發佈時間:2022-12-01 17:49:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔚力


Socialist Democracy in Xi Jinping: The Governance of China III


Xi's Focus |Socialist Democracy


——Consolidate Socialist Consultative Democracy 


The third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China vividly records a series of important statements and speeches made by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, based on his experiences in state governance in the new era since the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017. It fully and systematically reflects Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and demonstrates the latest achievements in the Sinicization of Marxism. As for socialist Democracy, General Secretary Xi said: 


For 70 years the CPPCC has been dedicated to the two major themes of unity and democracy. 


It has served as a support to the central tasks of the Party and the state, 


and played a significant role in founding the PRC and in each historical period of socialist revolution, development and reform.


First, the Party's leadership over the CPPCC should be strength-end.


second, the CPPCC should always be clear about its nature and ole.


Third, the CPPCC should give full play to its role as a specialized consultative body.


Fourth, the CPPCC should support and help improve China's political party system. 


Fifth, the CPPCC should gather extensive support and pool strength. 


Sixth, the CPPCC should focus on the central tasks of the Party and the state while fulfilling its responsibilities.


Seventh, the CPPCC should uphold the principle of serving the people. 


Eighth, the CPPCC should improve its ability to perform its duties in the spirit of reform and innovation. 


Practice over the past 70 years has proved that the CPPCC system has many unique strengths. 


Being open to different opinions, better still, taking criticism with courage and making improvements accordingly are signs of confidence and strength. 


We should develop socialist consultative democracy, make good use of democratic centralism, 


carry forward the fine tradition of "unity - criticism- unity", 


draw on collective wisdom,and promote full expression and in-depth exchange of different ideas and viewpoints. 


We should respect each other, consult on an equal footing, 


follow the rules, hold orderly discussions, be inclusive and tolerant, and negotiate in good faith.


In this way, we can cultivate a good environment for consultation in which everyone can express before their own views freely,


rationally and in accordance with the law and rules. 


we must correctly handle the relationship between commonality and diversity. 


The former means a shared theoretical and political foundation, whereas the latter is indicative of diverse interests and ideas. 


We should achieve commonality while respecting diversity and avoid an overemphasis on uniformity. 


We should stay attuned to the current thinking and political trends within the united front, 


strengthen theoretical and political guidance on sensitive issues, issues that pose risks, and issues of broad concern, and combine this with regular theoretical and political work, 


so as to seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences. 


We should promote common progress in political awareness among all political parties, organizations, and representatives of various ethnic groups and sectors of society.


The(PPCC should maintain extensive contacts with the public and mobilize them to assist the Patty and the government in coordinat in relations, developing positive sentiments in society and defusing conflicts.


It should encourage its members to be more community-focused in their work, stay close to the people they represent,


reflect the people's views and convey their suggestions and opinions to relevant authorities in a timely fashion, 


and better inform them of the policies of the Party and the state.


——Speech at the Central Conference on the CPPCC's Work marking the 70th anniversary of the organization,September 20,2019