We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.
發佈時間:2019-10-29 15:43:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔡彬大家好,歡迎來到碰詞兒現場!今年是新中國成立70週年,咱們今天要談論人才強國戰略。
2002年5月,中共中央下發《2002-2005年全國人才隊伍建設規劃綱要》,提出實施人才強國戰略。人才強國與科教興國相輔相成,不可分割。人才強國戰略的核心是人才興國,工作重心是建設人才資源強國,充分發揮人才的作用。中共十九大報告提出, 實行更加積極、更加開放、更加有效的人才政策,以識才的慧眼、愛才的誠意、用才的膽識、容才的雅量、聚才的良方,把黨內和黨外、國內和國外各方面優秀人才聚集到黨和人民的偉大奮鬥中來,鼓勵引導人才向邊遠地區、邊疆民族地區、革命老區和基層一線流動,努力形成人人渴望成才、人人努力成才、人人皆可成才、人人盡展其才的良好局面,讓各類人才的創造活力競相迸發、聰明才智充分涌流。
Strategy to Make China a Talent-Strong Country
Hi! Welcome to “About China”. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In today’s program, we will talk about the " Strategy to Make China a Talent-Strong Country ".
A national plan of action to develop a quality workforce (2002-2005) was launched by the CPC Central Committee in May 2002. Talent development and the development of education and science and technology are mutually reinforcing. Our talent strategy focuses on the need to expand our talent pool and better use talent to advance toward our goal of building a prosperous country.
The report to the 19th CPC National Congress pointed out that it is important to have in place a more proactive, open and effective talent policy that guides identification, recruitment and retention, and encourages bold moves and competitive measures to welcome much needed experts in various fields into our team from both within and without the Party and from both within and without the country. It is also important to encourage skilled personnel to work in grassroots communities, remote areas, border regions with mainly ethnic minority populations, and old revolutionary base areas. A favorable talent development culture is needed to inspire everyone to discover and develop his or her own talent and to realize his or her full potential, so that together we will unleash our collective creativity.
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