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發佈時間:2018-12-07 09:11:00 | 來源:中國網 | 作者: | 責任編輯:蔡彬


12月3日, 在對葡萄牙共和國進行國事訪問前夕,國家主席習近平在葡萄牙媒體上發表題為《跨越時空的友誼 面向未來的夥伴》的署名文章時表示,中葡要積極發展“藍色夥伴關係”,開展海洋合作,做“藍色經濟”的先鋒。


Blue Partnership

Hi! Welcome to “About China”! In today’s program, we will talk about “Blue Partnership”.

On December 3, 2018, a signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled “A Friendship across Time and Space, a Partnership for the Future” was published on Portuguese newspaper ahead of his state visit to the European country. Xi Jinping said that China and Portugal need to strengthen Blue Partnership and lead the way in growing the blue economy by promoting maritime cooperation.

Portugal, known for its tradition of maritime expedition, has a time-honored maritime culture and rich experience in the exploitation of marine resources. Xi said that we need to strengthen our Blue Partnership, facilitate cooperation in marine research, ocean development and protection, port logistics and other areas, and grow blue economy together to better harness the vast ocean to the benefit of our future generations.

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