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Representative of China's "Going out" Strategy: Interpretation of Zhejiang National Industries' Motivation for Trans
發佈時間:2017-06-09 16:27:16    

  中國網浪潮資訊 正泰、阿裏、海康威視……近年來,越來越多的中國民族工業,特別是浙江的民營企業參與到中國國家重點項目和國際佈局的建設中。浙江省技術品質監督局品質處工程師朱明認為,這份責任擔當的底氣來源於它們源源不斷的創新動力。北京時間6月8日,“暢行中國·‘中國製造2025’”採訪團來到寧波東方電纜有限公司,再度感受品字標“浙江製造”的獨特競爭力。  

  CNCAO NEWS  In recent years, there are more and more China's national industries, especially the private enterprises in Zhejiang, such as CHINT, Ali, Hikvision and so on, having increasingly participated in the construction of inbound national key projects as well as the international allocation. According to Zhu Ming, the engineer of Quality Control Division, Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision of Zhejiang, their confidence to take such responsibility originates in the consistent motivation for innovation. On June 8, Beijing Time, the interview team of "Navigate in China, Made in China 2025" came to Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Ltd. to experience the unique competence of the brand standard of "Zhejiang made" again.  


 東方電纜工廠鳥瞰 趙乃澄攝  

  a bird's eye view of Orient Wires & Cables' factories, photo by Zhao Naicheng  


  Orient Wires & Cables, set up in 1998, was the core supplier for sea-land cables as well as the only corporation that has the ability to independently produce submarine umbilicals in China, which acquired the brand name of "Zhejiang made" in 2016.  


  In this year's March, Orient Wires & Cables has successfully competed for the project of 500 KV online transmission in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, which will provide basic power guarantee for the construction of Zhoushan Archipelago New Area, the development of marine economy in China demonstration zone and China (zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone.  


  "This project fills in gaps in tnternational technology of cables and as long as it finishes, it will be an indication for China's laying technology of undersea cables to be on the commanding point in the whole globe." States Zhou Zewei, the chief engineer of Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co., Ltd..  


  Chen Lei, the deputy director of manufacture innovation center of Ningbo Orient Wires & Cables Co., Ltd., has told journalist that the difficulty of this project is mainly about the work of laying and installation along with the follow-up maintenance. "It is required to make the complex underwater situation into consideration to lay cables in the seafloor which could be over ten meters or even tens of meters in depth. And not only the seawater salinity along with undersea microorganisms will corrode the cables, but the underwater pressure will also make influences..." In the meantime, it is a major test for the technology to make one-time success in completing the laying work of the cable whose total length is 18 kilometers and the entire weight is over 1,000 tons.  


  It is said that up to now, the works of early-stage reconnaissance and design and material purchase for this project have been finished, and it will be delivered on March 15, 2018.  


  According to the introduction from Xia Feng, the vice-board chairman of Orient Wires & Cables, the company, whose majors were mainly containing the production, research and development as well as laying of traditional cables, has not moved toward the field of submarine cables, this subdivision industry, until 2005.


  "Before that, almost all the undersea cables in China were monopolized by two or three outbound entreprises." Says Xia. And such cables are not only costing much, but also has high cost of upkeep. "It would usually consume three months from negotiating the price for repairing, to the signing of contracts and then to the appointment for the serving. Can you imagine what differences it will make that a region will suffer from power cut for three months?"  


  At the same time, Zhou also reckons that if the core technology of submarine cables is in the master of foreigners, it might be a threat for China's national defence and security.


  趙乃澄 攝

  Photo by Zhao Naicheng  


  Innovation is a must to break the situation of monopoly. It is introduced that Orient Wires & Cables has also optimized the process of maintenance, which makes the time of power recovery be shortened from the former three months to two or three days or even 24 hours.  


  In 2007, it was Orient Wires & Cables that self-dependently produced China's first submarine cable, which broke the situation of outbound monopoly. Zhou tells journalist that until now, the majority of China's undersea cables have been independently produced by Chinese entreprises.  


  As the introduction says, there have been 3,000 corps producing diversed cables, while among which there are only three having the capable technology for submarine cables technology so far. 


  It is said that with the proposal of "the Belt and Road" Initiative led by Chinese government, Orient Wires & Cables has aimed at overseas market, whose cables have already been laied in Iran, India, Bengal, Canada, Cyprus and other countries along "the Belt and Road".



  Xia holds the view that the transformation of private entreprises cannot exist without the government predominance. Via "the Belt and Road" Initiative, the strategy of "Made in China 2025" as well as the regional brand authentication of "Zhejiang made" brand standard, Orient Wires & Cables not only gains an opportunity to go out to reach the world, but is also given a mission that represents China.  


  And based on what Zhu says, the brand standard of "Zhejiang made", as being a regional public brand that emphasises "outstanding quality, independent creativity, social responsibility and industrial synergy", could not only encourage these excellent entreprises in Zhejiang to "go out", but also set up "benchmark" in diverse industries to give impel for corps in Zhejiang and the whole country to get transformation and upgrading towards the goal of "being first-rate in China and international advanced". In the future, the number of national industries devoting on the domestic and overseas establishment will be increasing.  

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 張雲松 報道)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 張雲松    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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