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"Zhejiang Made": Practical Sample of Real Economy Transformation in China
發佈時間:2017-06-05 21:10:34    

  中國網浪潮資訊 “四年前,浙江首開先河,率先在全國啟動了‘浙江製造’區域品牌建設工程,全面提升品字標‘浙江製造’,是浙江推進供給側改革的重要舉措……”

CNCAO NEWS "Four years ago, it was Zhejiang that played the role of forerunner to be the first in China to initiate the regional brand building project of 'Zhejiang made', which has comprehensively enhanced the brand standards of 'Zhejiang made' and been a key measure for Zhejiang to promote supply side reform..."


In the launching ceremony of "Navigate in China · Made in China 2025" - Traffic Radio of China Approaching Brand Standards of "Zhejiang Made" Big News Action held on June 5, Beijing Time, journalist has known that up to now, there have already been over 70 entreprises in Zhejiang acquiring the quality certification of "Zhejiang made", which is "domestic first-rate, international-advanced". Among those, the majority of them along with their products have already walked out of China and towards the world.


In the background of "Made in China 2025", the strategy of reinvigorating China, Zhejiang has provided a practical sample for the real economy transformation in China.



What is the innovation of the brand path of "Zhejiang made"?


According to Wang Qing, the director of Division of Quality Control in Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, the behavior that Zhejiang brings up the construction of the regional brand, "Zhejiang made", itself is a way of creativity.


"In 2013, Zhejiang brought up the idea of committing the transformation and upgrading of local manufacturing industry to make its level comprehensively lifted. In order to achieve that, we have learnt from the experience of Germany, Switzerland and other developed countries and set up our standards of 'Zhejiang made'  based on theirs." And Wang also states that the accreditation system of the construction path of "standards plus accreditation" adopted by manufacturing in Zhejiang firstly shows its creativity, which also make the characteristics as well as the core strengths of manufacturing corporations in Zhejiang prominent and help them to be self-improved. At the same time, in the process of promoting the construction path, Zhejiang adopts the way of "rules set by government and works operated by market" to render the government, market and the society to jointly make efforts.


Wang reckons that the meaning of "Made in China 2025" is mainly about enhancing the core competence of China's manufacturing industry and the goal of "Zhejiang made" is not to build a regional brand but to let its idea of demanding standards along with high quality to be learnt by other provinces and cities in China as it is of great significance for manufacturing in China to be high-end.


It is said that "Zhejiang made" is a regional brand mark representing the advance of manufacturing industry in Zhejiang as well as a "code word" of high quality and high level. Currently, the standard system of "Zhejiang made" applies the mode of A plus B, which comprehensively exhibits the idea of the regional brand construction strategy of Zhejiang to produce "good entreprises" and "good products".



Why did "ZHEJIANG MADE" appear in Zhejiang?


"The certification standard is actually imported." Bao Zhenxin, the deputy secretary general of The International Certification Network of "Zhejiang Made" (short for IQNET of “Zhejiang Made”)said. In his view, the certification standards have attracted attention in China in recent years, because Chinese people do not trust the quality and technical level of domestic products.


Zhejiang is a big manufacturing province, and a large number of private manufacturing enterprises have been formed, with a complete industrial chain. Since Chinese reform and open in 1978, the private manufacturing industry of Zhejiang has developed rapidly and has become an important driving force for Chinese economic development and innovation. However, due to the limitations of the brand, technology and so on, the manufacturing of Zhejiang was once faced with the plight of insufficient competitiveness.


In recent years, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the provincial government have attached great importance to raising the level of manufacturing competitiveness of Zhejiang. In 2006, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, proposed to build an advanced manufacturing base in Zhejiang. Since then, the manufacturing industry of Zhejiang has accelerated the construction of its own brand.


In 2015, the Zhejiang provincial government promulgated “2050 Zhejiang Guideline of Made in China”, which made a realistic path for the development of Zhejiang Made in the next ten years. In recent years, Zhejiang has accelerated the formation of an industry system with eight trillion industries as its mainstay, like information, environmental protection and high-end equipment manufacturing and so on.


Cao Wei, the deputy secretary general of Zhejiang Made Brand Building Promotion Association believes that Zhejiang Made from being known to accepted, and then to be identified with, the key lies in its standards acting on international convention.


In 2014, IQNET of “Zhejiang Made” was established. 5 internationally renowned certification bodies are invited to authenticate the enterprises of Zhejiang and according to the certification results, issued the brand standard “Zhejiang Made”.



What did "Zhejiang Made" do for "The Belt And Road"


“Zhejiang Made is the best manufacturing in Zhejiang province.” Shu Yinggang, the director of Zhejiang manufacturing brand building promotion association, told our reporters that the new "Zhejiang Made" standards are set and the new enterprises with "Zhejiang Made" are certificated almost everyday in Zhejiang. Many of these companies have gone abroad to participate in the global construction and layout of “The Belt And Road”.


Shu Yinggang said, “‘The Belt And Road’ covers the first, second and third worlds. If the Zhejiang Made want to go to the world, it needs not only the international recognition, but also the recognition of the developed countries and Zhejiang made it.”


It is known that the “Unimpeded Travel in China·China’s manufacturing 2025” National traffic broadcast walks into the brand trademark “品” “Zhejiang Made” big news action is guided by the All-china journalists association, China association of social organization of radio, film and television and the Communist party of China, Zhejiang provincial party committee propaganda department, Technical quality supervision bureau of Zhejiang province, held by The broadcasting and propaganda committee of CGN and the Zhejiang broadcasting and television corporation, undertook by FM93 Zhejiang traffic radio and Zhejiang manufacturing brand building promotion association and assisted by Chinese Internet. It invited 30 Chinese traffic radio stations and nearly 80 journalists from China Radio International, People's Daily, China network to visit Hangzhou, Ningbo, Taizhou and other "Zhejiang Made" test point county, excellent enterprise in order to deeply interpret the "Zhejiang Made" brand construction experience and achievements and provide a blueprint for China's economic transformation and upgrading.


Zhang Haitao, the standing committee of the CPPCC national committee and the president of the CGN, Wang Qiu, the standing committee of the CPPCC national committee and the vice president of the CGN, Wang Dongmei, the secretary of the secretariat of the National association of journalists, Chen Yanhua, the vice chairman of the Chinese people's political consultative conference in Zhejiang province and Lu Jianqiang, the deputy secretary-general of Zhejiang provincial government attended the ceremony. The ceremony was chaired by Pan li, the chairman of the CPC central committee.

  (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 張雲松 報道 耿凱寧 孫吳琦 杜依依/譯)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:楊雲寒 耿凱寧 孫吳琦 杜依依    | 責編:楊雲寒    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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