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Zhejiang Scenery: Jiufeng Park
發佈時間:2018-05-04 17:14:42    

Jiufeng Park is located at 243 Jiufeng Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province. Jiufeng Park was the earliest county-level park in Zhejiang Province. It was built in October 1957 and was officially built in 1959. The park has a total area of 106 hectares, including 98 hectares of forest. Jiufeng Park is a national AA class attraction.

Jiufeng Park formerly known as Ruilong Ganying Temple, later known as Xingshan Temple, is commonly known as Jiufeng Temple. In the year 1869 (8th year of the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty), Jiufeng Academy was built. It was named after the nine peaks of Lingtai, Wenbi, Huagai, Jieyin, Baoding, Lingjiu, Shuangque, Wolong, and Cuiping. It is surrounded by pavilions and terraces. The natural environment is quiet and beautiful. Because of its beautiful scenery and attractive monuments, it has been included in the Dictionary of Famous Chinese Names. Since the Song Dynasty, it has been a place where poets and celebrities have stayed in poetry and read potential places. Kang Youwei praised it for its “Nine peaks rise and steep cliffs tower into the sky, beautiful as Yandang Mountain” Prepared for construction in October 1957 and officially established in 1959, Jiufeng Park has a long history and strong cultural atmosphere. The park has a long history of ancient pavilions and ancient pagodas. In the park there are also the Jiufeng Academy and the famous Chen Shuliang Chinese Painting and Calligraphy House,which was built in 1994,containing more than 250 cultural attractions and other cultural attractions, adding a lot of cultural atmosphere to Jiufeng Park.

Meiyuan is one of the main sights in Jiufeng Park. The genus Rosaceae is native to southwestern China. There are more than 1,200 pots of Jiufeng plum piles and more than 30 varieties, which are very complete; the Jiufeng Plum Pile view is made from old plum piles that have been in the natural world for several decades or even hundreds of years and then grafted on plum piles to form Variety of plum bonsai. Most of the other bonsais in our country are mainly “barrels”, then use plumbs to twist plum blossoms into birds, beasts and insects, with intense artificial artifacts. The plum blossoms of the Jiufeng Plum Garden are mainly based on “cutting”. The plum blossom branches are grafted onto the fruit plums and flower plums harvested from deep mountains and old forests. After each flower blossom, they are trimmed and their original style is reflected as much as possible. Huang Yan Plum Pile has won many awards in the Plum Pile competition. So, there is a saying, “Huangyan Plum Blossoms is known as the world famous.” (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:胡燕敏    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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