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The data of foreign mobile payment during May Day holiday has been released. Hangzhou residents most
發佈時間:2018-05-02 14:48:18    

  On May 1, Alipay issued the data report of travel mobile payment on “May Day” holiday. Hong Kong, Macau, and Japan ranked as the top three most popular places for consumption, followed by Thailand, the United States, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. The largest number of Hangzhou residents went to the United States, Japan, and Hong Kong. The number of people visiting the United States increased by 51% over the “May Day” period in 2017.

  The number of international travelers is mainly from coastal provinces and developed regions. The largest number of international travelers is from Shanghai, followed by Guangzhou, Beijing. Hangzhou is number 4. The data also shows that Chinese women love spending more than men abroad, and 65% of Alipay users spending overseas are women; Hangzhou women are no exception. In addition, although the majority users of Alipay around the country are post-90's, Hangzhou's post-80's is still the main force of foreign consumption.

  The data shows that in addition to shopping, the trend of Chinese people using mobile phones in international travel has expanded to various aspects, including catering, taxis, and attractions. The most popular restaurant chain stores in the world are McDonald's, Hong Kong's Tsui Wah Restaurant and Starbucks. The world’s most popular attractions are Hong Kong’s two major theme parks, the Taipei 101 Tower. The Chinese mostly love to take a taxi in Singapore, the United States, and Australia. And you can enjoy a 10% discount on taxis in Australia with Alipay during the May Day period.

  The report also mentioned that as the country’s international travel spending has been escalating, how to conveniently rebates tax has also become needed. Among the 29 countries where Alipay currently offers tax rebates, the most tax refunds during the May Day period are South Korea, France, and Germany. In tourist-intensive areas, Alipay also offers real-time airport tax refund services, including South Korea’s Incheon Airport, Gimpo Airport, Singapore’s Changi Airport, and major cities airports in Germany, Italy, Finland, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, and Norway.

  In recent years, international travel has become one of the major plans for the Chinese holiday season. In order to better serve Chinese tourists, many foreign businesses have spent their time thinking: not only can they be equipped with Chinese shopping guides, they also learn how to use Alipay, which is most familiar to the Chinese people. Take Thailand as an example. From the airport to the shops in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket and other places with the most visitors, Chinese characters can be seen almost everywhere in Thailand's streets and lanes. From the 7-11 convenience store to McDonald's, King Power's royal duty-free shops and private taxis, all support paying by Alipay.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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