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Zhejiang Scenery: Fayu Temple
發佈時間:2018-05-02 14:43:56    

  Fayu Temple, also known as Hou Temple, is located on the left of Baihua peak in Putuo mountain, and is one of the three major temples in Putuo Mountain. Fayu Temple was founded in the eighth years of Wanli Emperor, Ming dynasty(AD 1580). In the thirty-eighth year of Kangxi Emperor Qing Dynasty (1699), the main hall was built and was given a plaque, which read “Tianhua Fayu”. That's how it got its name. There are 294 existing rooms in the temple, covering 8,800 square meters. The temple was divided into six floors, and the levels were upgraded in turn. On the central axis, there is the Tianwang Hall in the front, the Jade Buddha Hall in the back. There are bell towers and drum towers between the two halls. After that, it was Guanyin Hall, Yupai Hall, Main Hall, Sutra Library, and Fangzhang(Abbot) Hall. The Guanyin Hall is also called the nine dragons Hall. The carving of the nine dragons is very delicate and vivid. 

  Fayu Temple is one of the three major temples in Zhejiang Putuo Mountain, also known as Hou Temple. In the eighth years of Wanli Emperor, Ming dynasty(AD 1580), the monk Dazhizhenrong first built it and the name was first known as the Haichao Nunnery. Later, it was renamed as Haichao Temple and Huguozhenhai Temple. Fa Yu Temple, also known as Hou Temple, is located on the left of Baihua peak in Putuo Mountain, Zhoushan city, Zhejiang province, China. It is 2.8 kilometers away from Puji Temple and is one of the three major temples in Putuo mountain. Fayu Temple covers an area of 33,408 square meters, with 294 existing rooms. According to the mountain's shapes, there is the six-tier platform and upgrade orderly from the mountain gate. On the central axis, there is the Tianwang Hall in the front, the Jade Buddha Hall in the back. There are bell towers and drum towers between the two halls. After that, it was Guanyin Hall, Yupai Hall, Main Hall, Sutra Library, and Fangzhang(Abbot) Hall. The Guanyin Hall is also called the nine dragons Hall. The carving of the nine dragons is very delicate and vivid. The well and some glazed tiles in the Hall were relocated from the Ming Palace in Nanjing, and they are known as one of the three treasures of Putuo Mountain. The entire temple is grand and extraordinary; not far away, the Thousand Steps Sands are spacious and comfortable, and the sound of waves roars day and night; the poetry in Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi, once praised the “the autumn writes letters with trees' colors, the bells and waves answer by their sounds”.

  Going into the gate, passing across the nine dragons Wall, opposite is a multiple eave hoped-roof style building, the forehead titled "Tianwang Hall". The existing two five-story stone-framed tower was established in 1988 when the reconstruction. There are two flag poles on both sides of the road, which is different from other monasteries on the mountain. It is said that one of them has been transformed seven or eight times, while the other is often used as a fetish pilgrim, peeling for medicine, but still towering high, it is called "the live flagpole in Hou Temple" . The position of the four kings in the temple is different from that of others, and it is said that they are deliberately put in order to not repeat with Puji Temple. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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