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Zhejiang Scenery: Quzhou Confucian Temple
發佈時間:2018-04-30 13:26:51    

China Net Wave Information  Located at Xinqiao Street, Fushan Street, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the Quzhou Confucian Temple is one of the only two Confucian temples in the country. It is said to be Nanzong and is a Key Cultural Relics Site Under the State Protection. The entire ancient architectural complex is solemn and solemn, full of rich Confucian culture atmosphere. According to historical records, in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Jin army invaded and emperor Gaozong of Song, Zhao Gou rushed south to build a capital in Lin'an. The 48th generation of Confucius, Kong Duanyou, carried the statue of Confucius and Madame Confucius, left Qufu, Shandong, and moved to sout. Then the Confucius Temple established.


The Kong’s family temple in Quzhou were established in 1253, and moved to its present site in 1520. After more than 700 years, it has been relocated for three times and has been repaired for more than ten times. During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army occupied the state of Quzhou for the second time, and the instruments and ceremonial apparatus in the family temple were slightly empty. In 1947, the National Government allocated funds for maintenance. In 1959 and 1961, the Zhejiang Provincial Culture Department and the Quzhou County Government allocated funds for maintenance. In 1984, the Quzhou City government allocated funds to repair the main building of the temple. In 1988, the Quzhou City Government again allocated funds for the maintenance of the temple, and restored the building of the ShengZe House and the repair of the Silu Pavilion. In May 2000, the People’s Government of Quzhou presided over the restoration of the West axis of the family temple and the construction of the Confucius Mansion, which cost 18 million yuan.


From the establishment of the Confucius Temple in Quzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty to the eve of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the first son of Confucius have managed the sacrificial activities of the family temples and the “Yansheng Gongfu”, “Boshi Shu”, and “Fengsi Guanfu”. After the liberation, the government commissioned the management of the cultural sector. In 1999, the Kong’s Nanzong Family Temple Management Committee, a municipal institution directly under the municipal government, managed the temple. Born in January 1938, Kong Xiangyu was graduated from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology in 1961. He used to be the gold mine director of Hebei Jinchang Fen gold mine, the vice president of Shenyang Golden University, the assistant to the mayor of Quzhou City, the minister of the United Front Work Department of Ganzhou City, and the Cangzhou Municipal CPPCC Deputy Chairman, currently a member of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Kongzong Nanzong Family Temple Management Committee in Quzhou City, presides over the daily work of Kong’s Nan Zong Family Temple. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:胡燕敏    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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