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Zhejiang Scenery: Anchang Ancient Town
發佈時間:2018-04-29 16:14:20    

  Anchang Ancient Town is the first historical and cultural town to be announced in Zhejiang Province. Located in the northwestern tip of Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, it is one of the four famous ancient towns in Shaoxing and is connected to Xiaoshan District in Hangzhou City.

  Anchang ancient town was built in the North Song Dynasty. Because of the war, it was burned many times. And it was rebuilt in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Its architectural style inherited the characteristics of a typical Jiangnan Water Town and was classic and elegant. Its specialty Anchang lachang(sausage) and sugar are well-known. The wedding on the water is unique. It is also the hometown of Shaoxing's adviser.

  The old street is built on the river, with a total length of 1747 meters. The south of the river is a residential area, and the north of the river is a commercial city. The two sides are connected by ancient bridges. In the south of the river, there are covered corridors to prevent sun and rain, various traditional shops, and well planned houses. On the other side of the river is the Qingshiban path, simple and ancient houses, small but deep lanes. It was first founded in the Ming Dynasty Chenghua and Hongzhi years. From Gaoqiao bridge in the east, to the Qingdun Bridge in the west, the street lies along the River, and are all paved with local bluestone in Shaoxing.

  Now there are old bluestone roads, old houses, shop & workshops, arch bridges and alleys. The style is still quaint. The bridges of Anchang are very unique, with “arches, beams, pavilions” of various styles, varied, simple and elegant. They are known as the “the green water going through the streets and 10 Million Homes, and the bridges across the River like 17 rainbows”. The most famous of these are the three bridges named “Fulu, Wan’an, and Ruyi”. When the ancient town people married their daughters, they had to walk through all these three bridges.

  The folk customs of Shaoxing for thousands of years have been preserved in the ancient town. You can see the thick folk customs of the south of the Yangtze River: the lively rivers and villages drama, the festive boat on the wedding, the traditional hand-made wine, the shuttle of the awning boat, etc.. You can also see the blessings, wrapped zongzi, stringing sausages, pulling sugar, and so on.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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