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Zhejiang Scenery: Shaoxing Keyan
發佈時間:2018-04-27 16:07:22    

  The Shaoxing Keyan Scenic Area is a national AAAA-grade tourist area located at No. 558 Keyan Road, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China. The scenic spot began in the Han Dynasty and has a history of more than 1,800 years. The total area is 6.87 square kilometers. Shaoxing Keyan is a scenic spot with ancient Yue culture as its connotation. It integrates Shaoxing water features, ancient quarrying scenes, and forest ecology in one scenic spot, including Keyan, Jianhu, Luzhen and Xianglin.

  Since the Three Kingdoms, many ancient natural landscapes such as Shek Pik and Shi Dang have been created through the ancient quarrying. In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the three generations of stone carving craftsmen of the great ancestors and grandchildren carved the "Cloud bone" and the Maitreya stone Buddha. For thousands of years, with the intervention of natural landscapes and religious cultures, as well as the dyeing of literati, the Qing Dynasty has formed the famous “Ke Yan Eight Views”. Among them are the Maitreya Buddha statues, the cloud bones, the Qixing Rock, and the silkworm flower caves that show the scenery of stone, and the other sights such as the Wuqiao Buyue and the Nanyang Qiufan that show the waterscape of the Jianhu Lake. It is a treasure trove of tourism resources that blends natural scenery with humanistic resources.


  At the beginning of the new century, Keyan Scenic Area restored the fictional plane hometown of Lu Xun's novels into a building entity, which constituted the Luzhen scenic spot. The “small town” contains Shaoxing’s water, bridges, wine, stone, architecture, folk customs, opera and many other cultural elements, recreating the unique folk customs of the Shaoxing water town. Take a walk through the bluestone board paved streets, watching the shops which have tiles white wall and the riverside of Pillow River, simple and tall house, the stone bridges in various poses, the criss-crossing lanes, cornices newborn stage. Keyan Scenic Area relies on the culture of the millennium to highlight Shaoxing's unique cultural resources such as stone culture, water culture, bridge culture, wine culture, opera culture, celebrity culture, and folk culture. Taking advantage of the picturesque lake and mountain range of the 800-mile scenic lake, the Jianhu scenic spot shows the graceful style of Shaoxing’s mother lake in “the old days”and highlights the rich connotation of Shaoxing’s unique water culture, bridge culture and wine culture.

  The contemporary Keyan Scenic Area has formed three major scenic spots such as Keyan, Jianhu and Lu Town, covering an area of 3.5 square kilometers and becoming the largest and most comprehensive large-scale tourist attraction in Shaoxing.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂佳慧    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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