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Zhejiang Scenery: Xufu Yan Scenic Area
發佈時間:2018-04-26 15:38:08    

  Xufu Yan is located more than ten miles west of the Xuedou Temple and is more than 200 meters away from Xufuyan Village. The rock top is 476 meters above sea level, and rock masses protrude outward. The waterfall falls 242 meters away, and there is the "Guanpu Pavilion" and "Huixian Pavilion" next to it. On the rock wall, there are the words “Xufu Jianxue” written by Qu Wu, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Revolution, summarizing the charm of the Xuxiyan Scenic Spot.


  The top of the rock is 476 meters above sea level. It is said that the fairy was riding a waterbird slowly out of the sky, hence the name. Looking at the boulder from a distance , the rock is like a monkey leaning against the sky, hence the name “Juhou Rock”. In the center of the “Juhou Rock”, the cliffs on both sides are stretched several hundred meters radially, just as straight as with an ax. The color of the rock is red and brown. The top of the cliff is pine green, and the cliffs are covered with grass. Its spectacular, beautiful, is better than Qianzhang rock. Song Baoqing's “Four Ming Dynasty” records that, On the cliff, there are three characters: “Juhou Rock”.


  On the top of the cliff, there is a quaint bridge spanning the river. The turbulent water flows from the forest to the river. It gradually becomes swift and swift. The drop in the waterfall is 161 meters and it is rock-free blocked. At the lower part of the cliff, the water curtain and the rock wall are separated into a spacious space. There is a pool under the waterfall, and the smoke clouds are filled with intoxication. The water flows from the lake, and the stream flows away along the bottom of the valley. The poet Chen who lived in Song Dynasty wrote a poetry named “Xu Fu Jiao Pu”: "first-grade waterfall diarrhea nine days, long hanging as a rainbow lead hole cents. Rock cliffs fly years, Shiliang dragons fly clouds of smoke. Full of yam taste increase color, clip rock peach Win the old year." (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:胡燕敏    | 責編:鮑柳初    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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