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Zhejiang Scenery: Jade Garden
發佈時間:2018-04-25 16:11:06    

  Jade Garden Scenic Area is located on the gold route for scenic in Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo area and adjacent to Ningbo City. It is the only one with the theme of jade culture in East China area and integrates landscape culture, hermit culture, bachelor culture and dutiful son culture. The mountains here are beautiful, with verdant trees and a quiet environment. The river at the foot of the mountain running through the old town. It can be described as “the mountains are lively depending on watery” and “the mountains surrounded by water are with luck”. Therefore, the ancients called it "a paradise", "63 kinds of blessings." In history, many celebrities had ever lived in seclusion here, such as one of the Han Dynasty's “Shangshan Four Heroes”—Xia Huanggong, Han Dynasty's dutiful son Dong An, the biggest scholar Shu Chang, Xie Lingyun from the celebrities, and Ge Xian Weng, etc.. In 2002, it was named as Shanghai Grand Ginis Records: the largest jade theme park and the largest official temple of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In December 2005, the scenic spot was named the national AAAA scenic spot.


  Ttaking the green mountains and clear water for background, based on the thick historical and cultural heritage, there are five scenic spots more than 20 spots in the area, namely, West Yinchan Temple, South Temple of Heaven, Jade Pagoda, Xiuhu Lake and Yuyuan Gate House. And with one of the country's largest wholesale market for jade products, it can be said that this is China's largest scenic jade tourism. Its architectural style combines the advantages of North and South architecture. The main scenery relies on mountains and rivers, and it uses the architectural methods of possession and exposure. The architectures of Jiangnan area like pavilions, towers, temples are arranged in a very good order. There is a mountain outside the mountain, and there is a garden outside the park. Take a step to get a different view. In particular, the main attraction of the scenic spot, West Yinchan Temple, is the only monastery in the world where all Buddha statues are carved with jade. The number, quality and weight of jade Buddhas are unique at home and abroad and they can be called as one of the world wonders.


  The scenic area uses jade as the carrier to blend the landscape with the aura of humanity. It is a tourism area with the main features of promoting jade culture. There are more than 30 pieces of jade carvings weighing over one ton in the scenic area, of which 3 are treasures only for handed down and 8 are treasures of national. They are included in the 4 records of the Guinness Book of Records, and over 40 pieces of state-level quality products are available. The number of jade in the scenic area totally more than 10,000 pieces, which can be described as the jade boutique world. The main jade statues, such as the West Yinchan Temple, Yuelao Pavilion, and the South Temple of Heaven, and jade sculptures such as the Nine-Dragon Wall and the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, are unique in shape, craftsmanship, grandeur, and vividness. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:鮑柳初    | 責編:李斌    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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