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Zhejiang Scenery: Wushan Grottoes
發佈時間:2018-04-24 15:06:49    

  Wushan Grottoes is located on the banks of Sanmen Bay ,which is a shining pearl on the gold tourism line in eastern Zhejiang.


  The grotto is formed by artificial quarrying. The wind and birds and animals bring the seeds into the cave through the mouth of the well. After the rain nourishes, it forms a strange landscape of wild flowering trees and wild worts in the cave. For thousands of years, nature and ancient artisans together created a magical and magnificent world that the artist could not imagine at the Wushan Grottoes.


  The most fascinating aspect of the Wushan Grottoes is the Grottoes Garden Landscape, which can be called “Bay Caves and Sky”. It has been discovered that there are more than 30 cave groups and more than 800 caves that resemble nature. The landscapes are rare and dangerous, and majestic and charming are coexisting. From the outside, the entire grotto is like a huge castle. The main cavern is a few feet high. There are several small grottos next to it. The caves are connected. Different from other quarrying scenes, the stone walls of the Wushan Cave are as steep as a knife and hard as iron. When the sun shines through the top of the mountain, it grows on the rocky walls of the caves that are large and small, and grows stubbornly with wildflowers, dill vines and moss lichen, into a patch of green. All seasons are green.
  Looking at the green life on these rock walls and overlooking the clear water in the crypts at the foot of the river, people can’t help but imagine. The Wushan Grottoes are still associated with the sea. The marine scenery adds a special feature to the Wushan Grottoes. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:鮑柳初    | 責編:鮑柳初    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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